Intel Continues to Share its Vision of Tomorrow's Technology

About a year ago, we learned that Intel had hired science fiction writers to help the world's largest chipmaker come up with what sort of technologies we'll be using tomorrow and beyond. Fittingly, Intel calls this The Tomorrow Project.

Spearheading Intel's campaign to see into the future is resident futurist (and "future caster") Brian David Johnson. According to Intel, his mission is to develop an actionable vision for computing in 2020. To accomplish this, he's using ethnographic field studies, technology research, trend data, and even science fiction to provide Intel with a pragmatic vision of consumers and computing.

Now a year later, Intel's showing off at IDF that it is still pursuing tomorrow. Andrea Ferrario, one of our editors from Tom's Hardware Italy, was on hand to capture the latest developments in this innovative effort.

Below is the initial conversation session. It's a long one, so make that popcorn first.

The next three are demonstrations of future software technologies. As they are from our Italian team, they were titled for their readership, but the contents is completely in English. We apologize for the noisiness in the videos.

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Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • master_chen
    OH. MY. GOD.

    That's why I love Intel.
  • a1b2c3
    They're not sitting on their laurels.
  • DroKing
    Intel will go stale again. Just wait 20 years when I will be 44 years old mmm.
  • noblerabbit
    will anyone ever wake me up when iThink (brainwave ~ mind activated copy/paste/keyboard shortcut) products are mainstream, until then, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • punahou1
    Hassle Free Meeting - are they serious? My company developed that technology back in the 90's. Back then it was software based. In 2001 it became a web app. In 2008 it became a mobile app. The guy's interface in the video looks like an exact ripoff....
  • Chairman Ray
    Very impressive by Intel
  • JamesSneed
    9402515 said:
    Intel will go stale again. Just wait 20 years when I will be 44 years old mmm.

    Duh, it says so right on the chips package. Best when used by September 2032.
  • DRosencraft
    It may look nice, but it's still to be seen if they actually pursue or deliver on all of this with full force. This is not unlike the old World Fairs or automaker's concept cars. They take actual ideas they have intent to pursue, but are then overcome by immediate concerns or real-time issues. It looks good, but let's not get all pie-in-the-sky crazy about anything until they start delivering these ideas in a meaningful way.
  • rohitbaran
    One problem I see with this tech is that some of it could be seen by some people as infringing upon their privacy. The last video is that kind. Of course, it can be limited that what kind of information other users can have about you through your devices, but there could be 'oops!' moments.
  • cucotx
    "Intel will go stale again. Just wait 20 years when I will be 44 years old mmm."

    Heck, I'll be dead in 20 years. :-(