Microsoft and Intel Confirm Future Support for Huawei Laptops

Microsoft and Intel have confirmed that they will continue to provide crucial security updates for Huawei devices with Windows 10 and Intel chips, respectively.

We remain committed to providing exceptional customer experiences. Our initial evaluation of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s decision on Huawei has indicated we may continue to offer Microsoft software updates to customers with Huawei devices,” Microsoft said in a statement to PCWorld.

Intel also affirmed to the publication that it will support updates and drivers to their chips in Huawei products, though they have not issued an official statement.

The news should come as a relief to consumers who own Huawei’s successful Matebook X Pro laptop. In May, President Trump banned U.S. companies from working with the Chinese tech giant amid fears of espionage, leaving Huawei’s owners fearful that their machines could face security breaches without support from U.S-based component and software makers.

Microsoft’s stance should assuage fears for now, though it is impossible to know if they might be forced to change their stance in the future.