Windows Insider Program Hits One Million Testers

Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore updated the Windows blog on Monday with news that the Windows Insider Program reached 1 million registered users over the weekend. He also said that Microsoft has collected more than 200,000 pieces of user-submitted feedback via the Windows Feedback application in the Windows 10 Technical Preview.

According to Belfiore, 64 percent of the registrants downloaded and used Windows 10 Technical Preview as an installed operating system, while the remaining 36 percent are running the platform on a virtual machine (VM). He said that most of the feedback is based on those who are using the operating system regularly and not from those who only spend a few minutes to experiment.

“Another indicator that we have solid usage is the number of app-launches that happen on a device. 68 percent of you are launching more than 7 apps/day, and some people are using it even more heavily,” Belfiore wrote. “We have seen about 25 percent of devices running the Windows 10 Technical Preview launching more than 26 apps per day, and 5 percent launching a whopping 68 apps per day!”

Belfiore also points to an article on Paul Thurrott’s site, which provides the users’ Top 10 requests in Windows 10 Technical Preview. These were generated by a participant who created a script-based analysis of the top feedback requests. What’s at the top of the list? A request for moving or disabling the new search and/or taskview buttons.

The list shows that the second most-popular request is for Microsoft to add a little animation/transition when opening the Start Menu. After that, customers want an easier way to use a local account. The next after that is a request to add tabs in File Explorer, followed by complaints that Charms cannot be accessed using a mouse.

Belfiore’s post encouraged Windows 10 Technical Preview users to participate in the feedback and jump onto the Windows Technical Preview Program forum to ask and answer questions related to the new platform. Not a Windows Insider? Use the Windows Suggestion Box on the UserVoice website to submit your own requests for Windows 10.

Finally, a new build of Windows 10 Technical Preview is expected to arrive soon, so stay tuned to Gabriel Aul on Twitter, who runs the Data & Fundamentals Team.

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  • TechyInAZ
    I personally am one of those 36% VM testers. And I have to say that windows 10 is looking good, but it still needs modifications that all the feedback is about.
  • dimar
    Explorer tabs would be nice, but MS should also make it Norton/Total Commander view style.
  • Christopher1
    This all means nothing. There was shit load of testers for Windows 8.x and we all know how that turned out to be.
    Yeah, extremely well except in the minds of the old fuddy-duddies who get pissed anytime anything changes in the OS.
  • tical2399
    Agreed. Windows 8/8.1 is great. I loved 7 but 8/8.1 destroys it in every way. Its a smaller install, it boots faster. It rock stable (only 2 crashes from tech preview up til today) it has stuff I like such a native ISO mounting, it saves alot of my settings and even some drivers when I do fresh installs, uses less resources (not a problem for my rig, but still) etc. I didn't love the interface, but it wasnt enough of a hassle to give up all those extra benefits. I can't wait for 10 to come out.
  • eklipz330
    i welcome the start menu back. i loved everything about windows 8 except the metro interface. and i see they are hearing complaints that the charm bar is not accessible. i personally hate it and never use it. i hope they have an option to turn it off altogether.
  • turkey3_scratch
    At least they listen to some feedback.
  • jase240
    I am one of those testers also.

    I can also say that Windows 10, despite having some initial performance issues on my VM setup, is a good preview release.

    So far it feels more like Windows 7 with a Windows 8.1 theme to it. I like that now all store applications launch in windowed mode instead of fullscreen, bringing back that "Windows" signature. Still waiting on a stable release before performing any more intensive tests, including gaming.

    But so far I believe that it will be my next OS of choice, I am looking forward to DX12 and games that will support it. As well as lower driver overhead and better SSD compatibility.
  • tical2399
    14372448 said:
    I am one of those testers also.

    I can also say that Windows 10, despite having some initial performance issues on my VM setup, is a good preview release.

    So far it feels more like Windows 7 with a Windows 8.1 theme to it. I like that now all store applications launch in windowed mode instead of fullscreen, bringing back that "Windows" signature. Still waiting on a stable release before performing any more intensive tests, including gaming.

    But so far I believe that it will be my next OS of choice, I am looking forward to DX12 and games that will support it. As well as lower driver overhead and better SSD compatibility.

    I've gamed on it. It brought over my GTX 770 drivers automatically. I played FFXIV on it all day (well over 12 hours straight) and it had no issues.
  • captaincharisma
    MS got it right this time with combining new style with the old
  • drapacioli
    They should implement a "nostalgia" mode where everything reverts back to the way it looked in windows 98, complete with BSOD's every few hours or whenever you try to do something important. That'll keep those nostalgic people happy while allowing the rest of the world to move on to better things. Then you can add $4.99 add-on themes that work to change the look to XP, Vista, and then 7 too, giving customers what they want while encouraging others to switch for the improved security and performance while allowing them to keep the outdated-erm excuse me, *nostalgic* looks they don't want to part with. Everyone's doing it, even Nintendo has introduced themes for their 3DS home screen!

    MICROSOFT ARE YOU LISTENING?! You could make tons of money by selling your "classic" look and getting those unhappy XP/Vista/8 customers to switch!