Real Life Modern Warfare 2: Gamer vs. Soldier

The Gadget Show on UK TV station Five has done something very cool. Anyone who has played Modern Warfare 2 should be familiar with 'The Pit' training level that starts players off with a grading of their skill.

Now that very same Pit level with its two-dimensional targets has been re-created in real life.

One of the Gadget Show's hosts, Jason Bradbury, wrote on his blog, "It took over a week to build, to the level’s exact specifications. Better still, with me on my Xbox 360 version of the game, I challenged an actual Special Forces Soldier to a race from the start of the level to the end, taking down targets (and avoiding civies!)"

Check out the video clip of the gamer vs. soldier showdown.

As for what the U.S. Army thinks of gamers vs. soldiers...

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • Shadow703793
    Cool. I won't spoil the fun and say who won... but me think you can guess.
  • builderbobftw
    Does it have real life dedicated servers?

    Oh right.....
  • lleshlo
    That guy blows on COD.
  • t1t4n1um
    no specs on accuracy levels?
  • ominous prime
    "Competition" starts at about 4:06, so you can avoid the 4 minutes of ridiculous buildup. Reading the title, I thought I was going to see a gamer run through the course with a real gun. I was disappointed.

    Also, pretty much a crap vid, I wouldn't waste my time again.
  • micr0be
    how pathetic to actually be glad u beat a real life training exercise with a video game .... OH NO FINGER CRAMP....
  • Trueno07
    That SAS guy seemed pretty badass. Wouldn't wanna mess with him.
  • I'm sure the auto-aim in MW2 was helpful.
  • sincreator
    The SAS guy handled the course as if it was the real life situation. Taking down the targets so not to put himself in danger. The way any soldier would be trained. Of course someone that is used to playing a game can just run in there guns blazing. I'm not surprised at all about the outcome.

    If that was a real life scenario the gamer would of been dead, and that soldier would still be alive to fight another day.
  • builderbobftw
    9191523 said:
    I'm sure the auto-aim in MW2 was helpful.

    I think everybody that doesn't suck disabled that a long time ago.