Nintendo's SNES Classic Edition Arrives September 29 For $80

It’s time to set up camp outside your local game store again. After launching the NES Classic last year, and then discontinuing it earlier this year, Nintendo will launch a revamped version of one of its classic consoles. The company announced that it plans to release the Super NES (SNES) Classic Edition on September 29.

The console boasts 21 pre-installed titles, including Star Fox 2, which was made during the original SNES era but was never released to the public. Other titles in the SNES Classic Edition include Earthbound, Final Fantasy III, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, just to name a few. Here's the full list of games on the console:

SNES Classic Edition GamesContra III: The Alien WarsDonkey Kong CountryEarthBoundFinal Fantasy IIIF-ZEROKirby Super StarKirby’s Dream CourseThe Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastMega Man XSecret of ManaStar FoxStar Fox 2Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper FightingSuper Castlevania IVSuper Ghouls ’n GhostsSuper Mario KartSuper Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven StarsSuper Mario WorldSuper MetroidSuper Punch-Out!!Yoshi’s Island

In addition to the console itself, the package contains an HDMI cable, a USB charging cable along with an AC adapter, and two wired SNES controllers. At the price of $80, you can safely bet that it will quickly sell out across the country, just like the NES Classic. There’s no word yet on how many units the company plans to sell or if it plans to create more after the initial wave's release.

We reached out to Nintendo for more information about its plans for the SNES Classic but haven't yet heard back from the company.

  • Wes006
    If only it included Chrono Trigger...
  • dstarr3
    Nintendo being Nintendo, they will produce just 10 of them and they will all be bought by a scalper on eBay and sold for thousands each.
  • emike09
    No Chrono Trigger?!?! I'm out!
  • jowen3400
    Raspberry PI 3 I already have this. With a wireless controller for less than that. Also more games. They messed up with the NES Classic. Waste of money.
  • falcompsx
    and no one will care because no one will be able to actually buy one.
  • problematiq
    Aaannnnd only 1 donkey kong and no Chrono trigger..

    +1 for Mario RPG though.
  • ammaross
    Failure for not including Chrono Trigger for sure. But an R-PI3 solves that issue. ;)
  • AgentLozen
    So I'm heavily pessimistic about this.
    Like DSTARR3 said earlier, expect this to be scalper heaven. Then, 3 months later, expect it to reach end of life.

    I love old Nintendo games to death, but if this follows in the NES Classic's footsteps then be prepare to experience all of the worst marketing strategies conceivable.
  • Devoteicon
    I look forward to not being able to find this anywhere.
  • gggplaya
    What do you need a USB charging cable for if the controllers are wired?