The Old Republic's New Trailer Shows Old Friends

For PC gaming Star Wars fans, it doesn't really get much better than the Knights of the Old Republic.

Now BioWare is working on an MMO based off the Old Republic – hopefully making the next big MMO cash cow to follow in the footsteps of wow.

Just released is this new trailer showing off some gameplay and conversation clips… with a pleasant surprise at the end.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • jefe323
    oh snap...hello darth revan

    too bad this game is an mmo; i might have gotten it if it was an rpg like swkotor
  • EXT64
    Release a non-MMO version, then I'll be interested. Not saying they didn't do a great job with this (in fact since they did a good job it is even more painful), but MMO's and their pay scheme just aren't my thing.
  • nologo
    nEXT64Release a non-MMO version, then I'll be interested. Not saying they didn't do a great job with this (in fact since they did a good job it is even more painful), but MMO's and their pay scheme just aren't my thing.
    not your thing?you mean..getting to play a game you enjoy for years to come with new content on a regular basis with your friends..yeah sounds crap doesnt it.
    oh's need a pay structure to help the game survive. i played the old versions of this game on xbox..and once i completed collected a nice amount of dust..
  • insider3
    I like what you did with the title there.
  • jedi940
    I agree, I would prefer a non-mmo. I understand that mmo's need a pay structure and that is fine, however, I don't like to pay. That is my own personal preference. Also, my attention span isn't long enough to play the same game for weeks and weeks. I usually tank through about half an RPG, then I won't finish it for another year.
  • Sykar
    Yay! I loved HK-47!
  • mattclary
    I also don't like the rental payments on an MMO, but this is tempting. My problem is I only have time to play infrequently, so not sure if I can justify spending ~$12 per month and only be able to play 3-4 hours in that time frame.
  • IWC Member 23495867
    And this is why I'm building a new PC within the year. This game will rock!
  • Stifle
    I have found that strong story lines are hard to come by in MMORPGs. There is too much emphasis on balancing and not enough backstory and engaging content for the most part.

    On a different note, who let the dark elf into old republic?
  • SirGCal
    I've been wanting another good MMO. Just hope this doesn't turn out to be another 'Galaxies' tragedy.