Starcraft II Beta Signups are OPEN!

Blizzard informs us all today on its World of Warcraft community site that those interested in beta testing StarCraft II multiplayer should opt-in.

The post from Blizzard reads:

“If you'd like a chance to participate, now's the time to let us know. Simply go to the Beta Profile Settings page in account management to go through the new beta opt-in process and upload a snapshot of your system specs. During this process, you'll also have the opportunity to opt in to future betas for other Blizzard Entertainment games. Please note that even if you've opted in to our betas previously, you'll need to complete this new process and upload your current system specs to have a chance to be invited.”

Blizzard also seems to be reserving the beta for those who are verified customers, as the beta profile requires “You need to have at least one Blizzard Entertainment game attached to this account in order to set up your beta profile.” Perhaps the best news is that the beta test period is “coming in the months ahead.” For more on the beta, check out this interview with Chris Sigaty, StarCraft II lead producer.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • nirvanabah's about time
  • ColMirage
    Woot! I hope I make it in!
  • Zoonie
    What's up with the redundant article links in the comment sections now?
  • Animebando
    Finally. I've had this reserved at my local Gamestop since last year. Just covering my bases, I guess.
  • hellwig
    Upload your system specs? I guess outlying, but reasonable, system configs will get presidence. Any guesses on the best system to secure an entry? I'm sure they already have thousands of entrants running a Q6600.
  • igot1forya
  • tenor77
    hellwigUpload your system specs? I guess outlying, but reasonable, system configs will get presidence. Any guesses on the best system to secure an entry? I'm sure they already have thousands of entrants running a Q6600.
    Actually I'm going to guess they're looking for different system setups. From a game able to run crysis on max to the bare bones minimum specs.
  • kodamakage
    I would guess that blizzard is looking for a wide range of system specs, but that can be broken down into three main groups.
    1st - Great systems that could run the game and look amazing
    2nd - The mainstream normal user type of system
    3rd - Systems that are showing their age

    I base this off of how blizzard has developed their games to allow people who have older hardware still be able to "play" even tho it might lag a bit.
  • dragonfang18
    ready on out 555...
  • SchizoFrog
    All I keep getting is 'Access Denied' when trying to get in to Is the server down at the mo?