Intel Backs Starcraft 2 Pro Team Led by BoxeR

The infamous BoxeR, known internationally as the "Emperor" of Starcraft, will soon lead a group of professional Starcraft II players using Intel's money.

According to a source, Intel and Boxer are currently negotiating about personal sponsorship and the formation of a professional Starcraft II team led by Boxer himself. The source states that an agreement is expected to be reached soon.

It is reported that Intel will be sponsoring BoxeR personally with $180,000 and investing in a Starcraft II team led by him for a whopping $270,000.

Many Starcraft fans will be anxiously awaiting who BoxeR will recruit to play on his all-star team and how they will compete with the very successful and skilled TeamLiquid.

Source: Teamliquid

Tuan Mai
Tuan Mai is a Los Angeles based writer and marketing manager working within the PC Hardware industry. He has written for Tom's Guide since 2010, with a special interest in the weird and quirky.
  • gr33nf00t
    BoxeR is nuts dude. It would also be neat to see other tech companies taking this route; it really legitimizes the game.
  • jkflipflop98
    Meanwhile, Intel holds all money for employee raises for 2 years in a row citing "financial uncertainty". . . while making record profits for most of that time.

    Real winners running that company, I tells ya.
  • jaysbob
    man, and I still get my but kicked by 12 year olds online. I wish I could make this kind of money playing a game.
  • foxmulder_ms
    Good investment.. Love to see Boxer playing more..
  • ashinohara
    Boxer is insanely good. Maybe he can get Fruitdealer? Boxer and Fruitdealer in the same clan, one can dream...
  • reggieray
    No LAN no SC2 for me, a three part game anyway. Maybe one day in a Battle Chest edition.
  • thesupermedium
    Kinda depressing...
  • imakuzim
    oil and water don't mix
  • bin1127
    I wonder if BoxeR uses an AMD system at the moment?
  • dEAne
    You watch me I can play against them and I will win.