U.N. Nuclear Energy Agency Confirms Hack

The hack originated from a "previously unknown group critical of Israel's undeclared nuclear weapons program," according to the AP, which asked for an open investigation in Israel's nuclear activities. With the exception the names exposed and a request to sign a petition. the group called "Parastoo" apparently did not cause further damage.

The IAEA apologized for the hack and said that only one old server that was shut down a while ago was affected. Spokeswoman Gill Tudor said that work to close vulnerabilities had been done to the server prior to the hack and the agency is now doing "everything possible to help ensure that no further information is vulnerable."

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  • Parsian
    Some of these IAEA agents have betrayed their codes of neutrality and engaged in intelligence operations for the benefit of MOSSAD. A lot of the innocent Iranian nuclear scientists who were murdered by MOSSAD's agents via bombings were directly or indirectly tagged by these folks during their so called IAEA inspections.
  • liteup23
    ParsianSome of these IAEA agents have betrayed their codes of neutrality and engaged in intelligence operations for the benefit of MOSSAD. A lot of the innocent Iranian nuclear scientists who were murdered by MOSSAD's agents via bombings were directly or indirectly tagged by these folks during their so called IAEA inspections. Uh huh, got any proof to back that up?
  • rdc85
    they need to close the hole quickly..

    the word "nuke" and "hack" really give me ghostbump...
  • killabanks
    israel is a rouge nuclear state with undeclared weapons of mass destruction... i cant wait for the day they go down for it
  • ddpruitt
    So they "stole" readily available information?

  • Shin-san
    This isn't really specific. Is it some server related to information containing confidential nuclear data, or is it something silly like their job postings website?
  • memadmax
    killabanksisrael is a rouge nuclear state with undeclared weapons of mass destruction... i cant wait for the day they go down for it
    It was an Anti-Nuclear Israel group that did the hack............
  • memadmax
    Guess what, nobody really knows if Israel has nukes or not...

    It is only assumed that they do...
  • killabanks
    memadmaxGuess what, nobody really knows if Israel has nukes or not...It is only assumed that they do...you need to do more research.... i suggest starting with dimona and vanunu
  • dextermat
    Don't forget, human are totally capable of destroying themselves. Probably going to happen before anything else. All that for money.