Apple Pulls Weed Selling Game 'Weed Firm' from App Store

Manitoba Games's game "Weed Firm," which is centered on the player growing and selling weed to earn fast cash, quickly rose to the top of Apple's free game charts within a few days. Apple pulled the plug on the game almost just as quickly. Weed Firm disappeared from the app store yesterday.

Considering the game's subject matter, it's not really a surprise why Apple's taken the game down. Apple's pulled games for less. Last year, for instance, Apple pulled down the game Sweatshop HD, which was meant to raise awareness about sweatshop labor.

TechCrunch has pointed out the fact that Apple has pulled Weed Firm, but has allowed many marijuana-related apps to remain in the app store. It seems like Weed Firm's popularity may have been its downfall, as most of the other apps have remained under the radar, and therefore safe from app store rejection.

Manitoba Games speculates the same. "As you might have noticed the game is no longer available on the Apple App Store. This was entirely Apple's decision, not ours. We guess the problem was that the game was just too good and got to number one in All Categories, since there are certainly a great number of weed based apps still available, as well as games promoting other so-called 'illegal activities' such as shooting people, crashing cars and throwing birds at buildings," states the developer's website.

  • Zeroplanetz
    I really dislike apple. Just saying.
  • Amdlova
    there no point about weed "god" make the weed for us smoke. everyone hastaman vibration!
  • voltagetoe
    Stupid move. It was the number 1 due democracy...
  • Christopher1
    I would be thinking of suing Apple if they did this to my game. Hello, it is a farking GAME, that means it does NOT have to be politically correct and it does NOT have to kowtow to 'da law' on this subject.
  • icemunk
    Apple is like an authoritarian state
  • bigpinkdragon286
    Apple isn't considered an open platform, and this isn't new behavior. Developers who choose to spend their resources on projects for closed platforms have little recourse if what they develop is rejected. If you want open distribution, target an open platform.
  • acadia11
    I would be thinking of suing Apple if they did this to my game. Hello, it is a farking GAME, that means it does NOT have to be politically correct and it does NOT have to kowtow to 'da law' on this subject.

    But it does have to ka taw to the wishes of a private company and their private virtual store.
  • dstarr3
    App will still be available to users in Colorado.
  • Camikazi
    there no point about weed "god" make the weed for us smoke. everyone hastaman vibration!
    God also made extremely dangerous things as well, like a tree whose sap will cause blisters and if burned can blind you. I don't know if weed is actually dangerous (it is not completely good, of that I am certain) but it is stupid to think that just because it is natural that it can't be bad.
  • southernshark
    there no point about weed "god" make the weed for us smoke. everyone hastaman vibration!

    like uranium, all natural with a good vibration.