Win 7 RTM Now Available on TechNet, MSDN

Just a quick reminder for those of you blessed with TechNet or MSDN subscriptions: you can now download the Windows 7 RTM now from your accounts along with access to keys.

Here are the file names and hashes for the disc images:

·      File Name: en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso Date Posted (UTC): 8/6/2009 9:59:54 AM

SHA1: 326327CC2FF9F05379F5058C41BE6BC5E004BAA7 ISO/CRC: 1F1257CA

·      File Name: en_windows_7_ultimate_x86_dvd_x15-65921.iso Date Posted (UTC): 8/6/2009 9:59:54 AM

SHA1: 5395DC4B38F7BDB1E005FF414DEEDFDB16DBF610 ISO/CRC: C1C20F76

·      File Name: en_windows_7_home_premium_x64_dvd_x15-65733.iso Date Posted (UTC): 8/6/2009 9:59:54 AM

SHA1: 336779EA6B65F63E11A609B4D021439C47AB315B ISO/CRC: 56D954E4

·      File Name: en_windows_7_home_premium_x86_dvd_x15-65732.iso Date Posted (UTC): 8/6/2009 9:59:54 AM

SHA1: CC9D8220B2179E784D85BF1EA98D2EE2190D534F ISO/CRC: 5DF6DBA0

·      File Name: en_windows_7_professional_x64_dvd_x15-65805.iso Date Posted (UTC): 8/6/2009 9:59:54 AM

SHA1: 50127304441A793EE51B3F501289F6599A559E9F ISO/CRC: 502C42C1

·      File Name: en_windows_7_professional_x86_dvd_x15-65804.iso Date Posted (UTC): 8/6/2009 9:59:54 AM

SHA1: 697FA06554502FB21D30275273B25747299C020D ISO/CRC: 578725D1

For the rest of us, we're going to have to wait patiently until October 22 before we can get our hands on our end-user copies.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • CChick
    That simply means we will see it on torrents soon ..

    oh wait, its already here ;)
  • mindless728
    woot, thank you school, free and legit windows 7 RTM
  • Ciuy
    i bet theres a hidden PC with win 7 rtm installed somewhere in the bassement :))
  • fuser
    1833.0 MB remaining. ugh!
  • masteryoda34
    Why are there separate iso's for Home Prem., Professional, and Ultimate. I was under the impression there would just be one image for x86 and one for x64.
  • Looks like the hash for ultimate x64 is identical to the RTM iso floating around the interwebs since ~July 20. No reason to replace if you already have this.
  • jn77
    humm,yea technet is running slow, usually get 1.2mb d/l and I am sitting at 90k right now 6 hours instead of 30 minutes for the iso....
  • okibrian
    Downloading now. Thanks!
  • Darkk
    I'm downloading it speeds for me. Using the Akami download manager.

    I wonder why would peeps want to download the Starter Edition??? Embedded devices maybe?
  • LuxZg
    Both enterprise and Ultimate ISOs downloaded and stored :) Install to begin as soon as possible!

    I do agree - don't get why they made multiple ISOs when all editions have all features, and only thing different are keys. But like I care, if Enterprise will work fine, I'll use that one and nothing else anyway.