WolframAlpha is the World's Greatest Calculator

In the internet world, search engines have gone in the opposite direction of most technologies. While users these days have more choice than ever for where they get their information, there seems to be one search engine that reigns over everything – and that’s Google.

So what could anyone be thinking when trying to launch a brand new ‘search’ engine? To answer that, you have to check out WolframAlpha, which just launched over the weekend.

It’s not so much a search engine as much as it’s just the world’s most amazing calculator. Forget your flashy scientific calculators, WolframAlpha can compute 2 + 2 as easily as it compare chart the GDP of Spain and Italy – or it can tell you when the next solar eclipse will be, or instantly calculate the probability of a getting a full house in poker.

While Google may send you to webpages that contain information that you’re looking for, WolframAlpha gives it to you straight without having to leave the site. It’s incredibly powerful and impressive, but is limited in presenting information only to queries that it understands – and right now it’s still a little restricted.

Check it out for yourself right here (be sure to watch the guided demo). Man, I wish I had something like this to help me with my homework when I was in school.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • jsloan
  • jgoette
    "So what’s could anyone be thinking when trying to launch a brand new ‘search’ engine?"

    Another stupid slip.
  • brother shrike
    It has the answer for: "tairspeed velocity of an unladen swallow."

    It also does: "the meaning of life, the universe, and everything." But then, so does google.
  • coolgod
    it can help me find patterns in a sequence.
    :) super sweet.
    a combo between wiki/google :)
  • Tindytim
    ...Holy F***ing ****. I'm going to win a lot of internet arguments because of this.
  • Greatwalrus
    It's so advanced, I don't even know where to begin on using it! I mean, it kind of scares me lol.

    But I probably will reference this to check some of my answers to Calculus problems.
  • curnel_D
    jgoette"So what’s could anyone be thinking when trying to launch a brand new ‘search’ engine?"Another stupid slip.Keep up the good work! (I'm not kidding)

    I totally got tired of trying to get these guys to proof read their work, so I just ignore it now. At least someone picked up where I left off.
  • Maxor127
    That's actually a pretty awesome site. PDFs export in nice vector quality too. They didn't skimp on the quality. I had a problem downloading my first PDF but I guess it was a fluke for that specific one. For now, my only complaint is that I can't control the axis sizes for graphing. There's probably a way and I just can't figure it out. They should implement an easy way to do it though.
  • ColMirage
    Awesome! This is going to be incredibly useful.
  • Rancifer7
    This is amazing!

    Looking forward to all those internet science classes now!