Optical storage could get ‘ultra-high-density’ reprieve thanks to quantum research

Optical Discs
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Scientists claim to have revealed a pathway to a new kind of “efficient, ultra-high-density optical memory storage.” A recently published paper, penned by researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME), says an optical memory breakthrough harnessed classical physics and quantum modeling. Specifically, the researchers hope to revive the fortunes of optical storage with the help of a mix of rare earth elements and quantum defects.

To address the data storage crunch, researchers are always looking for faster, high-density, more efficient, and more affordable ways to store the ever-increasing digital information deluge. Optical storage was a popular and widespread solution, even becoming standard in laptops where device space is seriously constrained. However, only people of a certain age now remember the sacred ritual of burning DVDs.

In their research paper, the scientists highlight a “new type of memory, in which optical data is transferred from a rare earth element embedded within a solid material to a nearby quantum defect.” The diffraction limit of light limited most prior optical storage methods. However, the new work multiplies the bit storage density of optical media by wavelength multiplexing and quantum spin state transitions.

Researchers at Argonne and the University of Chicago combined classical physics with quantum modeling to show how rare-earth elements (red dots) and defects (blue dots) within solids can interact to store optically encoded classical data. (Image credit: The University of Chicago)

You might already have a good idea about how the researchers are boosting storage capacity here. Still, the above diagram will perhaps make things clearer – as far as rare earth metals and quantum physics are involved. The diagram shows a light bean hitting an optical memory surface infused with rare earth elements manganese, bismuth, and tellurium (red dots). You can also see quantum defects in the media highlighted (blue dots). Excited atoms near quantum defects can flip their spin states to record data, and rare earth metals facilitate tiny light wavelengths.

The researchers admit that some basic questions remain unanswered and must be addressed to move forward. To develop this next-gen optical memory, for example, it will be important to verify how long excited states persist in the new material. Nevertheless, the scientists assert this is a “huge first step.”

While the Argonne / Chicago scientists seem incredibly bullish about their quantum research into optical storage and the capacity boost it could provide, we didn’t see any next-gen optical disc capacity estimates in the materials we looked at. It would have been enlightening if the researchers touted 2X, 10X, and 1,000X of known ODD capacities, for example. Alternatively, byte capacity estimates for a next-gen 120mm optical disc would have been welcome. For now, the boast of “ultra-high-density optical memory” is all we get.

Mark Tyson
News Editor

Mark Tyson is a news editor at Tom's Hardware. He enjoys covering the full breadth of PC tech; from business and semiconductor design to products approaching the edge of reason.

  • DS426
    My main concern would be long-term data integrity; to me, something like this makes the most sense for archiving data, so if that's a non-issue, great!
  • vanadiel007
    Does not make much sense to me when looking at the picture. Anything quantum is typically very unstable, not to mention a disc fabricated from these materials would likely cost away above what is commercially viable.

    Looks more like a lab experiment to me than an actual new technology.
  • ottonis
    Importantly, it's not only the density and total amount of possible iformation storage but also the speed by which this information can be written and/or read from an optical medium.
    High capacity and slow speed would massively narrow down the use case of such memory discs as they would only be of use in ling-term archiving sytems, were speed is not a critical component of the process.
    On the other hand, having high-capacity high-speed memory would be of use for all on-the fly backup processes or even media that needs speedy access and transfer rates, e,g, very large database search, or ultra high resolution film/movie material.
    Just imagine having a 100 TB optical disc that you could use as storage for your private media server - with literally tons of shows, movies, concerts etc ....
  • d0x360
    Perhaps they should solve disc rot before anything else ...

    Microsoft already has proven Crystal is a viable storage medium so let's focus on that instead of yet another format that will decay in 10-15 years like current optical storage does