Dennis Hastert's Batavia, Illinois Press Conference: Jeffery D. Schielke

Hastert arrives in his armored Chevy Suburban.

Hastert arrives in his armored Chevy Suburban.

CBS is in force.

CBS is in force.

Satellite trucks blocks the small town road in Batavia, Illinois.

Satellite trucks blocks the small town road in Batavia, Illinois.

This shot gives a sense of how big the crowd was. We estimate there were about 100-150 people (most of them media).

This shot gives a sense of how big the crowd was. We estimate there were about 100-150 people (most of them media).

Reporters and cameramen jockeying for position

Reporters and cameramen jockeying for position

Even Batavia's Mayor Jeffery D. Schielke gets his fifteen minutes (or actually about ten) of fame.

Even Batavia’s Mayor Jeffery D. Schielke gets his fifteen minutes (or actually about ten) of fame.

Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert himself (Republican, Illinois)

Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert himself (Republican, Illinois)

Dennis Hastert took full responsibility for the handling of Mark Foley (Republican, Florida), but refuses to step down.

Dennis Hastert took full responsibility for the handling of Mark Foley (Republican, Florida), but refuses to step down.

Dennis Hastert announces a phone number, 866-348-0481,for anyone who has extra information about Mark Foley.

Dennis Hastert announces a phone number, 866-348-0481,for anyone who has extra information about Mark Foley.

Dennis Hastert. Notice the smiling (no not really) bodyguard in sunglasses to his left.

Dennis Hastert. Notice the smiling (no not really) bodyguard in sunglasses to his left.

Flash games parodying the Mark Foley incident are starting to appear. This one allows players to control House Speaker Dennis Hastert.

Flash games parodying the Mark Foley incident are starting to appear. This one allows players to control House Speaker Dennis Hastert.