Signing up for Google Checkout

Entering a credit card in Google Checkout is as simple as your average account signup on any online store.

Entering a credit card in Google Checkout is as simple as your average account signup on any online store.

If you trust Google, you can add all your credit cards as payment options. However, in our test run, we were not able to re-enter a credit card immediately after we had deleted it.

If you trust Google, you can add all your credit cards as payment options. However, in our test run, we were not able to re-enter a credit card immediately after we had deleted it.

Google says that stores accepting Checkout can be identified with a green shopping cart logo next to their URL in Google ads. At least on Thursday morning, these shopping carts haven't surfaced. But retailers such as are already offering Checkout

Google says that stores accepting Checkout can be identified with a green shopping cart logo next to their URL in Google ads. At least on Thursday morning, these shopping carts haven’t surfaced. But retailers such as are already offering Checkout

Users are able to see and edit shipping and credit card information and track orders on one page.

Users are able to see and edit shipping and credit card information and track orders on one page.