The 50-Greatest Female Characters in the History of Video Games

The Gothic-looking rebel Paine of Final Fantasy X-2.

The Gothic-looking rebel Paine of Final Fantasy X-2.

Alexandra Roivas, a math student turned paranormal investigator in Eternal

Alexandra Roivas, a math student turned paranormal investigator in Eternal

The deadly and demon-like Jennifer Tate of Primal.

The deadly and demon-like Jennifer Tate of Primal.

The twisted, unstable Alice in American McGee's Alice.

The twisted, unstable Alice in American McGee’s Alice.

Mona Sax lit up the Max Payne series with both barrels.

Mona Sax lit up the Max Payne series with both barrels.

SHODAN, the evil artificial intelligence villain in System Shock 1 and 2.

SHODAN, the evil artificial intelligence villain in System Shock 1 and 2.

Cortana, the Master Chief's virtual sidekick in the Halo series.

Cortana, the Master Chief’s virtual sidekick in the Halo series.

The legendary Chun-Li of the Street Fighter series.

The legendary Chun-Li of the Street Fighter series.

Mortal Kombat's Kitana, who can kill with a kiss.

Mortal Kombat’s Kitana, who can kill with a kiss.

The gorgeous Nina Williams of the Tekken series and Death By Degrees.

The gorgeous Nina Williams of the Tekken series and Death By Degrees.

  • The immortal Lara Croft, the current poster girl of gaming.

    The 50-Greatest Female Characters in the History of Video Games : Read more