Extreme CompactFlash: A Digital Photographer's Best Friend?

Benchmark Results


The benchmarks pretty much speak for themselves. Even though there is little difference when writing, the Extreme IV clearly establishes dominance where reading, access, and CPU usage is concerned. This makes it the ideal candidate where large transfers of digital images are concerned. Those of us in the photography world will truly appreciate this, because there isn't always a chance to grab your digital pictures from the card as you snap them. Add to that the fact that it can do it all without taxing the CPU, and it comes out a clear performance winner.

Author's Opinion

Even though the Extreme IV did not quite hit the advertised 40 MB/s mark in my testing, I can forgive this fact in light of its increased speed compared to the competition. The speed, ease of use, and negligible CPU load is likely to be of value to anyone seeking to use the Extreme IV with any regularity or frequency.

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