Yahoo! CEO Says Google Has a Growth Problem

Carol Bartz has only been the CEO of Yahoo! for about a year but she's made the headlines countless times during her first 12 months at the helm. Yesterday was just another example of that as she told the BBC that Google would be in trouble if it didn't diversify its business.

"Google is going to have a problem because Google is only known for search," Bartz is quoted as saying.  The BBC goes on to report that Bartz said that Google would have to "do a lot more than search" and suggested that it would have to "grow a company the size of Yahoo every year," to be interesting.

"It is only half our business; it's 99.9 percent of their business. They've got to find other things to do. Google has to grow a company the size of Yahoo every year to be interesting."

  • Uhhh....... 99.9% of Google is just a search engine huh?

    lol ok.
  • eula
    Google only known search? lets see here, Advertising, Andriod, Maps, Mail, Picasa (photo service), Cloud storage, Chrome, and MANY MANY many more things Google does.
  • curnel_D
    Where is Yahoo's answer to google apps, google maps and street view, the Android OS, Youtube, the superior google news, Pisca, the Chrome OS and browser, and their vastly better email system?

    Yahoo is known for floundering. Search is only half their business. The other half is floundering in a market where they just can't seem to compete any more.
  • kyeana
    Google is going to have a problem because Google is only known for search

  • afforess
    I guess we should just ignore Google Earth, Google News, Youtube, Gmail, and every other feature that Google has made. Lady, I would stop worrying about how competitor's are doing, and start worrying about yourself. Last time I checked, Yahoo was losing money, fast.
  • schmich
    And she is getting $47M in bonus? Seriously disgusting.
  • jokemeister
    Don't know if I'm missing something here, but Google is always in the headlines but I NEVER hear of Yahoo doing anything except suffering lost market share.
  • ca87
    does she really know what she is saying? NO!
  • foody
    So what all does Yahoo do that diversifies its business so much more than Google's?
  • captainnochords
    $47 million in bonuses well spent, eh?