Intel Announces App Store for Atom Netbooks

With the lines separating smartphones from MIDs and MIDs from netbooks becoming increasingly blurry, it makes sense that someone thought to launch an app store for netbooks.

Speaking at IDF in San Fransisco yesterday afternoon, Intel CEO Paul Otellini explained that with users getting more and more comfortable purchasing applications from app stores and more of its customers already hosting app stores, Intel is working on a framework to support its clients and their desire to host more app stores.

Acer, Asus and Dell are said to support Intel's Atom developer program. "Acer is excited to see Intel’s effort in bringing new and innovative applications to netbooks and will use the Intel Atom Developer Program framework to open an application storefront," said Jim Wong, president, Acer IT Products Global Operations. 

Could an app store for Atom netbooks take off like it has for Apple's iPhone?

  • randomizer
    I hope MSI tag along too.
  • Gnegroni
    Damnit Acer...I hope your newer netbooks actually WORK instead of spending time in the repair shop. Anyhow, good news for Intel and netbooks!
  • huron
    Interesting. I only wonder what sort of applications they might be offering. It seems like we're a little app store happy now, aren't we?
  • skykaptain
    Wont this be OS dependent? I can understand for each company and OS but to those of us that do not stick with the default OS this means nothing. Or does it? If I want a app I just "sudo apt get" it. Plus it's free.
  • Regulas
    sudo apt get or Synaptic Package Manager is nice too.
  • Major7up
    Yeah, I don't see the point in this either.
  • michaelahess
    I won't use any apps that I have to pay for (app store caliber that is). That's why I've got winmo phones, enough free stuff to do anything I need. Hell even my BB has free stuff for most of what I want. My netbook is win7, osx, ubuntu so I have no need for "little apps".

    Then again I don't twit, facebook, etc. as I have a (real) life :)
  • Fullscreen doesn't work on the video with me (Firefox 3,5)
  • steiner666
    this is stupid. netbooks are pcs, not proprietary mobile devices. we already have an app store, it's called the fucking internet, and we don't need intel to spoon feed us applications.
  • eaclou
    Ubuntu already comes with what is essentially an app-store, but almost everything's free, also, windows has the internet and google to find and d/l things...