Hearing for Ban on Samsung Phones Set for December 6

Last Friday, Apple was handed a win in its patent infringement battle against Samsung and the company wasted no time in identifying the Samsung devices it hopes to see banned in the United States. Earlier this week, the Cupertino-based company listed a total of eight phones that it was seeking to have banned as a result of the ruling.

Samsung's Galaxy S 4G, Galaxy S2 AT&T, Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, Galaxy S2 T-Mobile, Galaxy S2 Epic 4G, Galaxy S Showcase, Droid Charge, and Galaxy Prevail were all named by Apple in a filing submitted on Monday. Out of the eight, the Galaxy S 4G was deemed the most offensive, violating two design patents, three utility patents, and two claims of trade dress.

All Things D reports that Apple has been handed a December 6 court date for its request for injunction against the devices listed above. Though the hearing had originally been set for September 20, this date will now deal with the preliminary injunction on the Galaxy Tab 10.1, which has been in place since June. Friday's judgement ruled that the tablet did not infringe upon Apple-owned patents, so Samsung is now aiming to have that injunction lifted.

Such a late hearing set for Apple's request for injunction against the eight Samsung devices it says infringes upon its patents will mean less of an impact for Samsung if Apple is successful. As All Things D points out, most of the devices are older phones. As more time passes and new phones are released, such a ban becomes less harmful.

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  • sheepsnowadays
  • Belardo
    Yep... this would almost like having ban put in place against the Apple iPhone 3GS. A $1 phone.

    I looked at all of these phones... I'm really not seeing an iPhone in these.
  • subaru41

    Apple is the biggest hypocrite. I sure hope Motorola's Lawsuit is able to ban Apple sales in the US.
  • freggo
    Ah St Nikolas day. Well, let's see who will get his wishes fulfilled.
    So far, it seems, Apple's court room success was more of a Pyrrhic victory.
  • back_by_demand
    Maybe this time the jury of 12 "honest" people won't consist of 6 people who work for Apple and 6 Korean War veterans
  • leakingpaint
    You know initially I was blaming Apple...but Apple aren't the idiots - the courts are...
  • waxdart
    Well I'd hope the Korean War veterans understand they were fighting north Korea, China and communism.
  • gggplaya
    My wife has an epic 4G, i wonder what would happen if sprint had to replace it under warranty? Could they still honor it?
  • rooket
    I threw my iPhone 4s and my 15" macbook pro in the e-waste recycling bin after I heard this verdict. No more apple for me.
  • nuvon

    Instead of throwing them out, can I have your 4S and MacBook Pro? I don't mind paying for the shipping :)