Amazon AutoRip Launches in the United Kingdom

Before it got into the business of selling MP3s, Amazon was shipping CDs, vinyl, and cassettes to customers around the world. Back in January, the company announced a new service for U.S. customers that allowed them to listen to all that music online, too. Now, Amazon is opening up AutoRip to UK customers.

Amazon said this week that customers who have purchased AutoRip CDs and vinyl dating back to 1999, will find MP3 versions of those tracks and albums automatically added to their Amazon Cloud Player account, free of charge. The same deal applies to any future purchases of physical music. Amazon says over 350,000 albums are available for AutoRip with more titles being added all the time. Music available for AutoRip will carry a special AutoRip logo.

AutoRip content is stored for free in your Cloud Player library and does not count against Cloud Player storage limits. The tracks can be played from any Kindle Fire HD, Kindle Fire, Android phone or tablet, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and any web browser.

  • Grandmastersexsay
    This sounds great for the grandparents and five year olds who actually pay for music.
  • dimar
    The only place worth paying is
  • agnickolov
    The catch is the albums have to be ripped by Amazon. Out of a recent purchase I made for 7 CD albums only one was eligible for auto-rip... And most of them already had MP3 versions in the Amazon store!