HTC May Launch Two Windows RT Tablets in 2013

HTC is apparently working on a pair of tablets powered by Microsoft's Windows RT operating system, according to Bloomberg.

Citing two anonymous sources, HTC is reportedly set to launch two tablets during the third quarter of 2013. One is a 12-inch version, while the other is a 7-inch version that would represent the first time a tablet of that size runs on Microsoft's operating system.

HTC's initial foray into the tablet market didn't last long. The Flyer, which was known as the Evo View at Sprint Nextel and the Jetstream for AT&T, launched when the tablet market was becoming mainstream; it failed to become a commercial success.

The Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer considered a tablet running on the more complete Windows 8 operating system, but decided to not integrate the platform after it realized it would have to charge more money for the product; Bloomberg believes it would have to price the tablets at $1000 to turn a profit.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is said to have met with his HTC counterpart Peter Chou to discuss the firm's Windows Phone plans, as well as the possibility of Windows RT tablets.

Nokia, meanwhile, is also rumored to be working on a tablet powered by Windows RT, which may be announced during the Mobile World Congress in February.

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  • killabanks
    i think microsoft is a little too late into the game look how long its taking google to overtake apple i just dont see much pie left
  • getreal
    This is great! Android is terrible and needs to go away, but will still be used by pirates and hobbyists and poor people.

    It is good to see Apple finally getting some real competition! Means the next iPhone, which is already the best phone of all time, will put the existing competition...if you can call android that...another five years further back than it already is.
  • dameon51
    getrealThis is great! Android is terrible and needs to go away, but will still be used by pirates and hobbyists and poor people.It is good to see Apple finally getting some real competition! Means the next iPhone, which is already the best phone of all time, will put the existing competition...if you can call android that...another five years further back than it already is.
    Why is Android terrible and need to go away? I think your brain is broken.
  • sun-devil99
    getrealThis is great! Android is terrible and needs to go away, but will still be used by pirates and hobbyists and poor people.It is good to see Apple finally getting some real competition! Means the next iPhone, which is already the best phone of all time, will put the existing competition...if you can call android that...another five years further back than it already is.
    Huh? I may not be poor, but I don't see spending close to $1000 for a tablet (which is running a crippled version of Windows 8) a good use of my money. Nor do I want to be poor after purchase said tablet or even the cheaper iPads.
  • thecolorblue
    getrealThis is great! Android is terrible and needs to go away, but will still be used by pirates and hobbyists and poor people.It is good to see Apple finally getting some real competition! Means the next iPhone, which is already the best phone of all time, will put the existing competition...if you can call android that...another five years further back than it already is.great moronic post
  • troutmask
    killabanksi think microsoft is a little too late into the game look how long its taking google to overtake apple i just dont see much pie left
    The game never ends.

    Anyone who thinks we're in the "technology endgame" is deluded. And now that the Mayan nonsense is over, can we finally accept that mankind will go on for thousands of years, if not millions?