This Week on Tom's Guide: Minecraft 101 and More!
Minecraft 101: The Newbie Survival Guide
Minecraft is the sandbox gaming sensation that's taken the internet by storm. If you haven't ever played before, it's easy to let the talk of advanced players intimidate you. But trust us when we say you shouldn't let the game's seemingly crude graphics confuse or intimidate you. It's a surprisingly deep freeform play experience that allows players to mine, build, farm, and adventure to their heart's content. It's easy to get started, and our Minecraft 101 guide will equip you with everything you need to get on your feet. It covers everything from mining, to building weapons, and offers tips on how to protect yourself (and take on!) things that go bump in the night.
Minecraft 101: The Newbie Survival Guide
15 Free Puzzle Games for Android and iOS
While smartphones and tablets definitely make our lives an awful lot easier, they also make our lives a lot more fun. And the success of Angry Birds and Draw Something have shown us that the market for mobile gaming is huge. For those of you that don't like to cough up cash for your mobile games, we've put together a list of 15 of the best puzzle games out there. Some are as simply as can be, others require a little more brain power to progress, but they all have one thing in common: They're free.
15 Free Puzzle Games for Android and iOS
40 Free and Useful iPad Apps
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Now games are all well and good, but you likely didn't spend hundreds of dollars on an iPad just so you could play the games. The truth is, as we spend more and more time away from our computers, developers come up with more apps that allow us to run our lives from devices like the iPad. Our list of 40 useful applications covers everything from starting a business with venture capital, to interior design, to finance management.
How To: Video Editing with HandBrake
Chances are you have a bunch of videos sitting on your computer that you've been meaning to convert or edit for ages. If you're not familiar with converting media files from one format to another, it can be a daunting task. Monday's article on Tom's Guide teaches you how to use HandBrake, a simple open source program designed to convert videos, movies, and obscure media files into formats that can be read by various devices such as the iPod, Apple TV and others. You'll be converting videos in no time!
pacioli I read Minecraft 101 yesterday. I never saw the instructions on how to get my 12yo son to stop playing Minecraft and let me use my computer...Reply