Rockstar May be Hiring to Bring Latest Titles to PC

Though Rockstar's announcement of Grand Theft Auto V is exciting news, it's just a tad less exciting for PC gamers who may not get a chance to play the latest sequel in the open world franchise. Rockstar's spurned PC players in the past, bringing a late and buggy port of L.A. Noire to PC and avoiding the platform altogether with Red Dead Redemption. It seemed like Rockstar was set to anger PC gamers yet again when its reveal of GTA V came with news that it would be only releasing for current generation consoles.

Recently, Rockstar Leeds put up a job listing (that has since been removed) that indicated there may be hope yet for GTA V to come to PC. "Rockstar Leeds are currently looking for a talented graphics programmer to help bring our latest titles to the PC platform," read the listing. "Working together with the other Rockstar studios, you will be responsible for maintaining the studio’s uncompromising quality bar, delivering the highest quality PC experience possible."

Rockstar bringing Red Dead Redemption to PC seems like a long shot, but the listing makes it appear that Grand Theft Auto V PC port may be a go.

  • eklipz330
    red dead please and thank you.
  • Cash091
    This REALLY needs to happen in time for GTA5. I don't want to have to wait til 2014 to play this game, and I may have to buy a PS4 in November. But everyone knows GTA really shines on the PC. The BTTF Delorean mod, ICENhancer, custom music...C'MON SON! Untouchable!
  • bigshootr8
    I second that Red Dead Redemption request please and thank you. If that went up on Steam it would probably be a top seller for a week or two quite easily.
  • eklipz330
    11133972 said:
    If I was a game developer and I had a choice between designing a game to run on 2 maybe 3 different hardware specs that won't ever change or a million different ones it's a no brainer. I left PC gaming behind years ago...spend $499 on a hardware that you won't have to upgrade for years or drop conservatively $200 every year just to upgrade the graphics card. PC gaming will be gone in a few years.

    why the hell did you make an account on this website again?
  • ananke
    PC Gaming is not dying at all - current stage of economy is benefiting only high incomes, i.e. boutique sales are the only growth. PC Gaming is such a boutique business. Average customers are buying tablets /cheap ones/ and playing games /cheap ones/ on their tablets, i.e. the mass market which is potential purchaser of consoles and console titles is shrinking and its disposable income is going towards tablets and mobile /because it is cheaper that way/. Anyway, new consoles have no choice but to use more unified architectures, which allows less expensive software development, aka PC, and eventually the ports to PC will be VERY easy and inexpensive to make. Hence, everybody in the industry should get prepared for that market.
  • insomniac3334
    11133972 said:
    If I was a game developer and I had a choice between designing a game to run on 2 maybe 3 different hardware specs that won't ever change or a million different ones it's a no brainer. I left PC gaming behind years ago...spend $499 on a hardware that you won't have to upgrade for years or drop conservatively $200 every year just to upgrade the graphics card. PC gaming will be gone in a few years.

    Remind me again why there are mountains of forums, subreddits and other discussion mediums dedicated to the very topic of PC gaming and PC gaming hardware? 10/10 Troll Attempt, Would Read Again.
  • roger smith
    take my money ubisoft, rockstar isn't getting a dime. PC4LIFE
  • srap
    I am playing L.A. Noire now. I love the game.
    Honestly, I don't know how buggy it was at release, but now, patched up good, I haven't run into anything yet, and I dare to say it was worth to port it to PC. But was it worth ditching the RDR porting for L.A. Noire? I don't know, one should decide that for her- or himseIf.
  • tomfreak
    those 2 consoles is already a low-mid end PC, whats the diff?
  • jimmysmitty
    11133972 said:
    If I was a game developer and I had a choice between designing a game to run on 2 maybe 3 different hardware specs that won't ever change or a million different ones it's a no brainer. I left PC gaming behind years ago...spend $499 on a hardware that you won't have to upgrade for years or drop conservatively $200 every year just to upgrade the graphics card. PC gaming will be gone in a few years.

    Without those "millions" of different specs consoles wouldn't have anything to use. Consoles always rely on PC hardware to push forward for the new specs. Next gen consoles are basically low power HTPCs that when they come out will be vastly behind PC hardware, they are currently behind anyways.

    I find it a bit surprising that they need to hire anyone to port to PC since Max Payne 3 was done very well for PC. In fact Max Payne 3 was probably one of the best 2012 PC games and really pushed PC hardware at the time (even a HD7970 at the time could not max it out as max needs 6GB of VRAM).

    So the question is what happened to those people that worked on MP3 PC and why can they not do GTA V since its the same game engine?