Sony Shows off PS4 in Teaser Trailer, More to Come at E3

This year, 2013, is the year of next-gen announcements. Nintendo leapfrogged both Sony and Microsoft by getting a head start on launching the Wii U late last year, and Sony made its reveal in February. Microsoft will be making a two-part reveal: one tomorrow and another at its E3 conference.

Sony, not wanting to be outshined, showed off the PS4 today in a teaser trailer… sort of. The thirty second trailer blurs out the console, and only small portions of the console are shown off in close-up. Of course, the trailer's more about generating hype and trolling Microsoft the day before the big Xbox reveal, but it also tells us that Sony will be pulling back the covers on what the console itself looks like.

Here's the clip that Sony's released. And yes, despite it looking like it's been shot by a cameraman who can't figure out how to rack focus, it's real:

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  • kinggraves
    Maybe when someone pulls the stills those flashes will assemble something that doesn't look like an out of focus toaster. Showing only parts makes me question what they're not showing. Promising a lot of interesting things only raises the bar for what they have to deliver. Trying to manipulate direct questions only makes me wonder why they can't give direct answers. I pay attention to what Sony is like as a company. I do not go into this trusting Sony after how they've handled the PS3, PS Mobile, Vita, and their customers, and they aren't doing anything to change that. I don't care how good the hardware is if the seller has the attitude that they can remove things or fail to deliver down the line.
  • mauller07
    so basically its a black rectangular box with a vented recess around its circumference, vents all across its back and with a wedge shaped front. similar to the wedge of the card reader lid on the original ps3
  • Grandmastersexsay
    I have always been an Xbox guy, but I will go with whatever console finally has native support for MKV...
    Probably going to go with an HTPC.
    I'm building an HTPC this summer on Haswell, then I'll get the XBOX Infinity and maybe even the PS4, too. Not interested in the Wii U.
  • hitman40
    10835846 said:
    I have always been an Xbox guy, but I will go with whatever console finally has native support for MKV...
    Probably going to go with an HTPC.

    Yes!!!!! I feel exactly the same. I mean you can play MKV's on the ps3 media server, so far all my MKV's play with TSmuxer except one movie -__-. But the hassle
  • shikamaru31789
    I'm piecing the various snapshots together in my mind and I can't say I'm very fond of what I'm seeing. A rectangular black box, with lots of straight edges and square vents. Honestly seems kind of reminiscent of the PS2 design, and I was never fond of it's looks. I like more rounded designs, like the Next Xbox mock-up made by Xbox World magazine for their last issue. Here's hoping that MS delivers a good-looking conservative design tomorrow.
  • shikamaru31789
    10835886 said:
    I'm building an HTPC this summer on Haswell, then I'll get the XBOX Infinity and maybe even the PS4, too. Not interested in the Wii U.

    Yeah, that's what I plan to do as well. Build a small living room friendly HTPC and buy either the Next Xbox or PS4, maybe both. I'm trying to figure out how to build a powerful enough HTPC in a small enough form factor to meet my needs, but most of the small cases only take single-slot cards, and the most powerful readily available single-slot card, the 7750, isn't powerful enough for me. I'm hoping that either the GeForce 700 series or the Radeon 9000 series coming out later this year will have a single-slot card with at least 1500 gflops.
  • dietrich1
    this is going to blow away any PC anyone has right now. and for just fraction of the price. i for one am going to buy about 20 of them and sell them on ebay.i'll probably keep 4 for myself, and the profit i make off of the other ones i'll purchase every single game for it. the graphics are going to make all the PC gamers feel so jealous. "omgz! i spent 1300 dollars on my hardware and it doesn't look like that!111" yeah that's because no one makes good PC games anymore. they're all ports. if you want to be a REAL gamer, you're gonna get the PS4. and i'll see you in game. the next COD i hear is going to have such realistic blood splatter, it'll litterally sting your eyes. INCREDIBLE.
  • unknown9122
    I wonder if they will be updating the status on the controller on June 10.... LOL.
  • nikoli707
    dietrich: after you spend $299 on the new ps4 and the cost of your $399 laptop, your already at a price for a computer that will beat the ps4. until consoles can use word, excel, video conversion, photo manipulation, they will always lose to a pc at the same price point of most users laptops. this is assuming the ps4 will be released at $299, it could be as high as $399, and many users spend $499 on their laptop, thats $900, can easily build a pc right now that will graphically far outclass the ps4, not to mention true 1440p or 4k compatibility.