Tom's Guide: 20 Weather Apps for Your Smartphone

Of all the apps you have on your smartphone, the weather app is probably one of the more important ones. But with so many out there all claiming to be the best, it can be hard to figure out which one is right for you. The Tom's Guide team has made a list of the best 20 weather apps with everything from Accuweather to Radarscope . Check out '20 Weather Apps for Your Smartphone' for the full list!

Gone are the days when weather forecasting was little more than fortune-telling. With Doppler radar, satellite imaging, and numerous other advances in meteorology, weather forecasts are more reliable than ever, and thanks to the advent of mobile computing and smartphones, you can get updated on the weather forecast anywhere you have mobile or wireless signal! We cover free weather app favorites such as The Weather Channel, Accuweather, to interesting gimmicky tools such as Swackett and Instaweather, and paid apps such as Weather Pro, Dark Sky, and Radarscope.20 Weather Apps for Your Smartphone

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