Cyberpunk 2077 Mod Makes Game Playable on All Modern Intel CPUs

Since its release, Cyberpunk 2077 has seen more than its fair share of issues, but the hits keep on coming. The latest patch 1.3 has re-broken the game engine with CPUs that don't support the AVX instruction set, again making the game unplayable on a wide range of processors, including modern Intel Pentium and Celeron chips. Fortunately, a modder named Jens Andree fixed that with the release of the Patch 1.3 AVX Fix.

Developer of Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red released a patch for the game earlier this month that introduced a boat-load of new content but also broke the game for some unlucky users. Unfortunately, we have seen a similar situation before — Cyberpunk 2077 developer CD Projekt Red had already fixed this very problem with a previous patch, but has now rebroken the engine.

Andree, the creator of the mod, states on the Nexusmods page, “The solution is a bit dodgy, but since I couldn’t find one point in memory to prevent these calls I simply searched for each one of them and patched them out with nop (No OPerand, i.e., “do nothing”).” The mod creator also stated the following, “The patched out instructions will not affect the code in any way since I’m keeping all the registered values, which is what would’ve happened if it was executed on an AVX capable CPU. They’re just instructions to check some data, and it didn’t execute any differently after the patch compared to a stack trace on an AVX CPU.”

Other games have also suffered from this shortfall in the past. For example, Star Citizen now requires AVX support

To summarize, this means that Cyberpunk 2077 will not work with any Pentium and Celeron CPU, including the latest models, and any CPUs that came before AMD’s Bulldozer and Intel’s Sandy Bridge families. Luckily, this mod fixes the issue and you can game to your heart's content. With the right amount of tweaking, you can run Cyberpunk 2077 on the lowest-end hardware imaginable, so we expect that the mod will get at least some level of uptake among the games' hardcore fans. 

Myles Goldman
Freelancer Writer

Myles Goldman is a freelance writer for Tom's Hardware US. He reviews keyboards and cases.