Bethesda's Scary Game "The Evil Within" to Arrive in August

Bethesda said on Friday that its upcoming survival horror game, The Evil Within, will be available in North America on August 26, 2014. The game is in development by Shinji Mikami and his team at Tango Gameworks for Windows PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 3 consoles.

Bethesda's The Evil Within focuses on protagonist Detective Sebastian Castellanos who, along with his partner, is initially sent to investigate a brutal mass murder of the residents at a local asylum. During his investigation, Sebastian catches something cowled and ghostly seemingly killing three of his officers on the asylum's CCTV camera system. The thing then disappears and re-emerges behind him, knocking him out.

When he awakes, he finds himself -- along with the other officers -- strung upside down from the ceiling amongst other hanging dead corpses.

That was the scary scenario the press was dished out at E3 2013 last June. The story continues here in our hands-off impressions, revealing how the detective gets on his feet and tries to avoid a huge deadly brute called The Butcher. At one point, The Butcher catches up with him -- and you know his pursuit is slow on purpose like a cat stalking a defenseless mouse -- and gashes his leg open with a chainsaw. Ouch.

"Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story are combined to create an immersive world that will bring you to the height of tension," reads the game's description. "With limited resources at your disposal, you'll fight for survival and experience profound fear in this perfect blend of horror and action."

Although August seems like years away, the good news here is that Bethesda's history with other in-house developers shows that the company accepts nothing but AAA quality, so expect to endure pure terror when the game finally arrives later this year.

We love scary good fun.

  • Mike Stewart
    even though it's made by the same man and team that brought us the GREAT RE4,,,it will be nowhere near his triumphant RE4
  • airplanegeek
    Is this gonna be optimized for Oculus RIft? :P
  • Morbus
    RE4 was crap. If this was made by the mad that made the first RE, then I'd be all over it.Also, this is not a Bethesda game, it's a Tango game. Bethesda is the publisher.
  • bustapr
    theres some misinformation going on in this comments section. Shinji Mikami created Resident Evil franchise. I believe he made all the resident evil games up until RE4. This game is being made by Tango Gameworks, which is owned by Zenimax. Technically it can still be called a Bethesda game just like Uncharted can be called a Sony game.and its probably not going to be oculus rift compatible unless they release a modkit for modders to do their magic. I doubt theyd release a modkit for this game. This game is being made for 3rd person POV.
  • killerclick
    Fallout 4 please, Bethesda. No one cares about your non-Fallout, non-Elder Scrolls games.
  • Morbus
    12690969 said:
    Fallout 4 please, Bethesda. No one cares about your non-Fallout, non-Elder Scrolls games.

    No one decent cares about Fallout that's not real Fallout.
  • manicmike
    I'm psyched for this game, the survival horror genre has degraded to "You're almost invincible unless you screw up, go kill "If you ask me, it's about time we had another "Don't play this with the lights off" horror game.
  • Morbus
    Amnesia: The Descent.

    The new Amnesia isn't as nice, but it's still pretty great. It's not survival horror, either of them, but it's horror, which is about half of the fun, and since the survival aspect of most survival horror games nowadays isn't there, it's all the fun.
  • Haravikk
    Sounds like it could be a good new survival horror game, but is anyone else a bit tired of asylums? Personally I prefer settings that aren't already creepy, but become that way. For example, it could have been set in a perfectly normal police station that becomes twisted and evil as time goes by.I dunno, asylums are just a bit cliché now IMO.
  • priority1
    Sounds to much like Outlast. Hopefully it will be even scarier than Outlast though. I nearly (almost) pissed my pants a few times in Outlast.