Google's Tilt Brush Toolkit Expands VR Sketches To Other Experiences

Google released Tilt Brush Toolkit to make it easy to use virtual reality (VR) sketches made with its painting app in films, games, and other experiences.

Tilt Brush allows people to "paint" in three-dimensional spaces using the HTC Vive's motion controllers. The app can be used to create basic sketches, and it also sports different visual effects that allow virtual paintings to be far more dynamic than their real-world counterparts. But it wasn't easy to take anything made with the app, like a particularly interesting sketch that would make a great backdrop for a video game, and port it to other VR software.

This new toolkit is supposed to change that. Google explained in a blog post:

The Tilt Brush Toolkit includes Python scripts and a Unity SDK with everything you need to make movies, interactive stories, video games, music videos, or other projects using assets created in Tilt Brush. We’re sharing all of our brush shaders, our audio reactive code, a streamlined Unity import pipeline, file format conversion utilities, and several great examples so hobbyists and professionals can showcase their Tilt Brush art in new places, on new platforms, and in new ways.

Making it easier to bring VR sketches into other experiences is just one of the updates Google has made to Tilt Brush since its release alongside the HTC Vive. The company teased multi-person sketching in September 2016, and in December, it made it easier to create perfect shapes and export sketches to YouTube. (One of the problems with introducing a new way to paint: It's hard for people to appreciate the result if they don't have a VR headset.)

Tilt Brush Toolkit is available now on GitHub. A video about the tool can be found below.

Nathaniel Mott
Freelance News & Features Writer

Nathaniel Mott is a freelance news and features writer for Tom's Hardware US, covering breaking news, security, and the silliest aspects of the tech industry.