Game Cafe Robbed, Gamers Fearlessly Fight Back

We gamers are a passionate, fearless bunch. Some robbers found that out first hand at an internet gaming care in Hawaii. Two masked robbers hit a gaming center in Kaneohe mid-last week, but they were met with considerable resistance.

Devin Wolery was working behind the counter when two masked men entered the establishment.

"They came in and they started yelling at me like they had a problem with me," said Wolery.

Wolery was able to hit the panic button to alert the police before one of the men hit him in the face.

"Boom right there, jumps and punches me in the face -- knocks my glasses off," he said. "They start yelling at the customers, tell them to give them their money. They were also making movements like they had a gun or some other kind of weapon."

The suspects were taking the money and other belongings of the customers, until a one of the men tried to take customer Dylan Hays' Nintendo DS. Hays wasn't going to give up his property, so he bull-rushed him out the door.

"They tried to take his DS, his Nintendo DS and he wasn't having that -- so he came back swinging," said Wolery. "I pulled him down the ground over here, the table got moved and I had him down on the ground he was still hitting me. Dylan pulls off the guys mask -- he runs out the door -- his friends are outside waiting."

The police discourage anyone from getting involved in a dangerous situation, regardless of the odds, but the gamers felt that their second home was being threatened by the robbers.

"I mean we're gamers, we've been immersed in that culture where like we all want to Superman, you know we're missing something partial in our brain that says yeah this might be dangerous," said Hays.

The police captured three suspects nearby, two 17-year-old boys and 18-year-old, but all three were released pending an investigation.

(Source: KHON2.)

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • eklipz330
    "I mean we're gamers, we've been immersed in that culture where like we all want to Superman, you know we're missing something partial in our brain that says yeah this might be dangerous," said Hays.

    QFT. I will Forward-->QCF+High Punch your ass if you mess with my games.
  • Albyint
    Stupid robbers, games are for gamers.........
  • Lmeow
    A wild game store thief appeared!

    Devin Wolery: Go, Dylan Hays!

    Dylan Hays used GTFO MY DS!

    It's super effective!

    Wild game store thief fled!
  • ArgleBargle
    Good. So many of these assholes get away with robbing innocent people, and these three suspects are either the wrong people, or the investigation will be inconclusive and they can try again another day. Maybe if the one they had on the ground would have received some lasting injuries, they might think twice about victimizing others.
  • twbg4cq
    Hey robbers, play a few more FPS's and then you'll know what you're getting yourself into. Do not @#%$ with us.
  • Stryter
    Never underestimate the nerd-rage. EVER!
  • fyasko
    those nerds got pwned. did you see him take that punch?
  • maigo
    Rule one of any lan center, NEVER interrupt a raid, not even with pizza
  • xtc28
    HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ........... c...... a...... t ..... ch m ...y b... r .... e .. a ..t h!!! Ok Im good! what a laugh!
  • damasvara
    Some psychological boosted power... lol