First iPad Mini Shipments Sold Out in 23 Minutes

Less than half an hour after its pre-order page opened on Apple's website, initial iPad Mini shipments have sold out.

Apple's product page for the iPad Mini opened at 12:04 AM PT in the U.S., France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Japan. By 12:27 AM in the United States, the Apple store confirmed that the delivery time for the tablet's November 2 launch changed to shipping in "2 weeks" for the 64GB white model.

Shortly after at 12:55 AM, all of the white models showcased 2 week shipment dates, while the black iPad Mini units will ship on its November 2 release date.

Elsewhere, shipment dates for Europe also received a delay. At 12:47 AM PT in Germany, every model in all colors slipped to a two week shipment period. Meanwhile, UK and France Apple stores showed all white models also receiving a two week delay.

Apple's fourth-generation iPad, however, didn't receive the same demand as the iPad Mini. Apple stores showed every model available for delivery on November 2.

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  • azathoth

    I've given up typing the whole lost faith in humanity/ why are people buying this thing. This is the only response left to give. *Facepalm*
  • edogawa
    Why? Seriously? That's expensive for a mini-ipad; throwing money out the window.
  • jhansonxi
    I suspect that many are bought by speculators to resell on eBay. A couple of months of sales figures is more informative.
  • neon neophyte
    meaningless without listing the actual amount sold
  • wemakeourfuture
    Azathoth*Facepalm*I've given up typing the whole lost faith in humanity/ why are people buying this thing. This is the only response left to give. *Facepalm*
    1. There are reasons, $50-$100 is not like a huge fortune from one alternative to this. Considering people keep these device say 3 years, that's like $17-$33 extra per year. Not exactly going from a Civic to a BMW 5 Series.

    2. If they have an issues they can go to the Apple Store and get it addressed easily, some people value this, especially non-technical people, you know most consumers.

    3. The eco-system of existing Apps, Music, Videos is easily continued when you buy an iPad versus a Kindle or Nexus, some people value this.

    4. Updates, you get ~3 years of update support for Apple products. This is by far the most in the industry. People want to know they'll have the new features for the next 3 years not the next 9 months and wait 2-6 months when a new version comes out.

    5. Material and design, its still a well put together machine with good materials.

    6. Like it or not, brand recognition. Just like some people spend more on "name" brand clothing or a "Sony" tv in the 1990s because of the brand. Some people buy a Mercedes not because of the engineering but the brand.

    These are some reasons, you and I may hold no values for them, but many customers do.
  • ivanto
    Azathoth*Facepalm*I've given up typing the whole lost faith in humanity/ why are people buying this thing. This is the only response left to give. *Facepalm*
    People are buying it because they choose to buy. Are there other 7" tablets? Yes
    Are people buying them? yes
    There are people who dont need tablets and people who need them. Plain and simple.

    Based on an interesting observation, I sense a new "untapped" market for iPad mini - families with iPad's "maxi" and kids are nagging for their own iPad/iPods. Mini is a better fit for these customers than an iPod or the big iPad.

  • eternalkp
    how about some google news?
    2 new products and no tomtom coverage?
  • Why would anyone in their right mind buy this product? Its an ipad 2, only 2 inches smaller and $70 cheaper. It also looks awkward and to some dumb. 7 inches would have been perfect, but Apple being the trendsetters that they are could never cave in and admit 7inches is a good size, so they instead decided to add .9 inches. And the sheep will baahh, i mean buy it regardless.

    As for the ipad4 sales being lower, its probably all the angry ipad3 owners who just bought one within the last few months not falling for Apples games this time. iPad 3s would be a better name this time.
  • freggo
    I fail to see why this is 'tech' news.
    That's more something for the Wallstreet News, Investors daily etc.

    Most of us here care to read about how well stuff WORKS, not how well it SELLS.

    Also your thumbs will tell if I am wrong :-)

  • fudoka711
    wemakeourfuture1. There are reasons, $50-$100 is not like a huge fortune from one alternative to this. Considering people keep these device say 3 years, that's like $17-$33 extra per year. Not exactly going from a Civic to a BMW 5 Series.2. If they have an issues they can go to the Apple Store and get it addressed easily, some people value this, especially non-technical people, you know most consumers.3. The eco-system of existing Apps, Music, Videos is easily continued when you buy an iPad versus a Kindle or Nexus, some people value this.4. Updates, you get ~3 years of update support for Apple products. This is by far the most in the industry.
    1. Who told you most people keep their devices for ~3 years? And what devices are you talking about? Cuz if its cell phones they certainly only keep them 1.5-2 years and new tablets are coming out all the time now. Furthermore, I feel like the people who keep their devices for 3 years aren't the people apple's targeting anyways. They target those that will buy new ones every year (and perhaps keep their old ones).

    2. Half the people I've talked with at 2 apple stores didn't know what the heck they were doing. I barely work with apple products and I still knew more. The other half are pretty knowledgeable, however.

    3. Did you see the Windows 8 Phone release today? From what I saw, it integrates music/videos/apps just as well as Apple or Android tablets/smartphones/computers.

    4. Again, what's with the 3 years? more like 1.5-2 years, even with tablets.

    5. You're absolutely correct. Apple products just feel like their built better

    6. Again, correct. Brand recognition and band-wagoning is very prevalent here.