Intel and Tom's Talk 'Nehalem' This Week!

This Thursday and Friday, Tom's and Intel will host two major talks about Intel's Nehalem Xeon processors.

Why you should join: although the talks will focus mostly on Intel's line of Xeon processors, the core architecture is the same as Intel's consumer friendly Core i7 processors. This presents several unique opportunities for users to find out what's in the high end and what will eventually make it down into the Core i7 series.

Intel has a history of bringing its workstation class technologies down into the mainstream, so if you want to know what's coming down the pipe, don't miss these two tech talks.

Dates and Times:

- Thursday, April 2nd: 10 AM to 12 PM PDT- Friday, April 3rd: 10 AM to 12 PM PDT

How to Join: Go here and sign up.

You will have the opportunity to hear from Intel's engineering team, and possibly have your questions answered as well.

If you already have a Core i7 processor in your rig, tell us how it's been performing for you!

  • mightymax
    Woohoo! Too bad they probably won't discuss the Core i5's at all tho...
  • sonofliberty08
    core i7 not consumer friendly at all :p ,
    Nehalem architechture are just new for Intel oldschool design but not new to the market , many architechture has been introduce by other company long before .