Blizzard Responds to Lawsuit Over Authenticators

On Monday Blizzard responded to a recent class action lawsuit filed against the World of Warcraft developer and its parent company, Activision Blizzard, which accuses both of forcing customers into purchasing added security. The suit alleges that Blizzard is being deceptive by not providing enough security on its end, thus forcing consumers into purchasing a physical "authenticator" device.

Naturally Blizzard said in its public statement that the entire lawsuit is without merit and based on "patently" false information. As we pointed out when the lawsuit was first revealed, Blizzard offers free apps for smartphones that can be used to authenticate the user's credentials when prompted – the physical $6.40 version is merely an optional accessory for those who can't/won't use the apps.

"We want to reiterate that we take the security of our players’ data very seriously, and we’re fully committed to defending our network infrastructure. We also recognize that the cyber-threat landscape is always evolving, and we’re constantly working to track the latest developments and make improvements to our defenses."

According to the lawsuit, Blizzard and parent company Activision "negligently, deliberately, and/or recklessly fail to ensure that adequate, reasonable procedures safeguard the private information stored on this website. As a result of these acts, the private information of plaintiffs and class members has been compromised and/or stolen since at least 2007."

The lawsuit specifically points out two recent security instances which took place in May and then in August, both in 2012, which led to the theft of private information, and that Blizzard didn't properly alert customers about the latter incident. Blizzard naturally disputes this accusation.

"Not only did Blizzard act quickly to provide information to the public about the situation, we explained the actions we were taking and let players know how the incident affected them, including the fact that no names, credit card numbers, or other sensitive financial information was disclosed," the company said. "You can read our letter to players and a comprehensive FAQ related to the situation on our website."

The suit also points out that Blizzard has accumulated around $26 million USD since the introduction of its $6.40 physical Authenticator product. Customers are also forced into creating an online account so that they can play Blizzard's products, thus requiring an added Authenticator because Blizzard is offering minimal protection on its end.

"This claim is also completely untrue and apparently based on a misunderstanding of the Authenticator’s purpose," Blizzard said. "The Authenticator is an optional tool that players can use to further protect their accounts in the event that their login credentials are compromised outside of Blizzard’s network infrastructure. Available as a physical device or as a free app for iOS or Android devices, it offers players an added level of security against account-theft attempts that stem from sources such as phishing attacks, viruses packaged with seemingly harmless file downloads, and websites embedded with malicious code."

For the record, Blizzard isn't the only company offering "authenticators" as an optional method of security. Google's two-step process requires users to add an additional code to their login that is texted to their smartphone. ArenaNet has an option allowing Guild Wars 2 users to confirm their login by way of an email each time they want to play.

To read Blizzard's entire response, GameInformer has a copy right here.

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  • steve360
    It's always the company's fault when the victim so happens to click on dodgy links and submits their account credentials directly to the hackers.
  • Jigo
    ..but i got an email from which said my account was hacked !?

    /lulz off
  • Thomas Creel
    This is just silly, a lawsuit?

    What is wrong with people.
  • abbadon_34
    what did you expect them to say? they settle it out of court admitting now wrong and the trail lawyers will get rich as always
  • rantoc
    This is hilarious, cars come with basic security and can optionally be upgraded with beefier alarm/electronic keys ect ect... how is this different? Basic security is there in the form of a login + password, if that ain't enough because some people are brain-dead and give the information away free in a false login screen that promises everything from free toothpaste to free lobotomy or use the password 123. Do the same brain-dead people give away their car keys to a criminal who say he needs to service the car and then blame the car maker for their own short comings!?

    That is what appears to be the case here, blame the developer for their own stupidity!
  • thecolorblue
    Bilzzard cannot claim they have a free app as an excuse because not everyone has smartphones.

    How hard is it to use logic
  • bustapr
    thecolorblueBilzzard cannot claim they have a free app as an excuse because not everyone has smartphones.How hard is it to use logic
    Blizzard offers free apps for smartphones that can be used to authenticate the user's credentials when prompted – the physical $6.40 version is merely an optional accessory for those who can't/won't use the apps.
  • waxdart
    Didn't have any of this bother with single player games. Can we have some good anti-social games back please? I work with others all day long and other from far away call me on the phone. I don't like them anymore.
  • tomfreak
    steve360It's always the company's fault when the victim so happens to click on dodgy links and submits their account credentials directly to the hackers.I guess u must have forgot the news about D3 hacks when it launch.
  • ironmb
    No amount of security can fix dumb people clicking on fake emails.

    Oh Aunt Jennie is sick and this random company needs my credit card?! OK I'LL HELP! People who get hacked deserve to get hacked if they're dumb enough to fall for those types of scams.