Join Us For A 'Mafia III' Livestream At 1pm PDT

It’s been less than a week since the launch of Mafia III, and our hands-on evaluation of the game is still in progress. However, we’re hosting a livestream session on Twitch today at 1pm PDT so that you can see the game for yourself and ask questions about it. (See below--the stream is embedded below and be live at the appointed time.)

With 11 hours logged into the game so far, my early impression is that Mafia III suffers from repetitive missions. In order to take control of each borough of New Bordeaux, you need to take over enemy rackets and assign them to your lieutenants. However, these racket missions are all too similar. You either need to get information from enemies or destroy the racket’s supplies. You can even approach each mission in a similar manner (with stealth or aggression), which takes the fun out of progressing through the game.

We’re hoping that it changes as the more difficult racket bosses begin to appear in the middle to late stages of the game. Otherwise, these missions stand out as the game’s weakest point so far. In addition to a few of these missions, we’ll also explore different parts of New Bordeaux in search of collectibles and side missions. Join us at 1pm PDT, and get ready to explore Hangar 13’s take on 1968 Louisiana.

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NameMafia III
TypeAction/Adventure, Open world
DeveloperHangar 13
PlatformsPC, Xbox One PlayStation 4
Where To Buy2K StoreSteamPlayStation StoreXbox StoreAmazonBest BuyTargetWalmartGameStop
  • clonazepam
    This game does just look like a chore. Definitely a pass. From the gameplay I saw (on twitch by a couple of other streamers), I don't even recall seeing hills. It's an interesting time and place (as far as culture and what not), but this is a video game. It just comes across as flat. Seems rather predictable as well.

    Seeing as this is the studio's first title, I really hope they pay close attention to all the player feedback and do better. Seems more like a "me too" kind of product rather than something really pushing the boundaries.

    I'm going to tune in for a bit to your stream and see what you're all about. I'm interested to hear your live commentary as you play it.
  • Morbus
    Will it be at 60fps?
  • taylorwilson
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