QOTD: Do You Use Linux/BSD With a GUI?

Free, powerful, highly customizable, fast, diverse, and constantly developing--what more can you want in an operating system? Linux is definitely the operating of choice for power users and administrators alike.

The biggest factors that affect Linux's adoption rate is hardware support, and user experience. Granted, many distributions now ship with incredibly good GUIs, the core of the operating system still remains very much like it has always been. Although more and more devices ship with Linux as the OS of choice, Linux's market share remains tiny compared to that of Windows and even OS X (based on BSD).

I have a Linux machine at home, that I use for firewalling, file serving, and other things, but it doesn't have a GUI installed. This is primarily because all the box does is serve. It wasn't built to be a desktop machine. Service layers however, remain Linux's primary focus. To access the box, I terminal in using SSH from another machine. The machine can be entirely managed through the terminal.

The question of the day is: Do you use Linux/BSD with a graphics user interface?

Or do you use linux primarily for services?

  • bornking
  • IronRyan21
    Yep, Gnome!
  • salem80
    i use Linux with graphics user interface ..
    i know some new devices sometimes video card you need to shutdown the GUI
    to install the driver on it ..
    Linux are great OS and it very stable but for unknown reason you can't find drive for your device if Linux Can't detect it ...
    i hope they find some utility similar to what windows have(ADD new hardware Wizard)
  • masterclam
    YES, I have a Vostro 1400 laptop with Vista, but I dual boot to Ubuntu 8.10, which is what I use for almost everything, only switching back when there is a certain feature that windows does that is difficult to use in Ubuntu. I far prefer the customizability and feel of Ubuntu over vista, which is clunky and badly organized. With the plugins I have installed, I can do almost any of the "eye candy" and usability features that a Mac can do, without paying the "Mac tax". This particular version, I will admit, is not quite as fast to boot as windows or OS X, but the next version is slated to release this month and is supposed to be much faster. GIVE IT A TRY!
  • hellwig
    I used to run FreeBSD with CTWM. I stoppd using FreeBSD when I couldn't get drivers for my NVIDIA 5200FX, never went back.

    Right now I'm running gOs/Ubuntu on my netbook.
  • Avenger762
    I have a machine that I keep as a backup and it is only a P3 700MHz. But it is quite fast running Ubuntu.
  • joex444
    No, I do not. I have one Celeron 1.1GHz running a router distribution.

    And I have Fedora installed as a Virtual PC... but I never use it. If I did use it, it would be running a GUI of course.
  • mcnuggetofdeath
    Yep. Gnome on ubuntu 9.04 beta.

  • kryten42
    Yes, MythDora.
    i boot from a USB device but i cant get it to boot XD im still learning... you got to start from somewhere