Raspberry Pi Mega Cluster Costs More Than $5,000 to Build

Just when you thought one Raspberry Pi was enough, Skynet Network stepped up with this awesome Raspberry Pi cluster project. According to Skynet Network, it’s dubbed the Raspberry Pi Mega Cluster and costs more than £4,000 (approximately $5,372) to build.

The best Raspberry Pi projects typically have at least one Pi but this one has 83. As impressive as that sounds, the original plan was to pack it full of 100 Raspberry Pis. However, network latency had too much impact on performance for that many to be practical.

The cluster is constructed primarily using Raspberry Pi 3Bs but a single Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W was included, as well. Each Pi is fitted with a heatsink to keep the operation cool. There are two uninterruptible power supplies and two ProSafe switches that connect all of the Pis.

While many Pi clusters tend to run Kubernetes, Skynet Network explains that each Pi in this cluster is running its own VPN and has a unique IP address. Around 55 of the Raspberry Pis are connected to the network wirelessly but 25 of them are hard-wired to the switches.

To get a closer look at this cluster and see it in action, check out the demo video shared to YouTube by Skynet Network.

Ash Hill
Contributing Writer

Ash Hill is a contributing writer for Tom's Hardware with a wealth of experience in the hobby electronics, 3D printing and PCs. She manages the Pi projects of the month and much of our daily Raspberry Pi reporting while also finding the best coupons and deals on all tech.

  • zoltran
    We learned the answer why it is not in stock.
  • Bonzadog
    Admin said:
    Skynet Network shows off his huge Raspberry Pi Mega Cluster made with over $,5000 worth of parts and more than 80 Raspberry Pis.

    Raspberry Pi Mega Cluster Costs More Than $5,000 to Build : Read more
    This looks like an interesting project that I would like to do with only 4 Rpis ( at first).
    However what OS is needed and can Python deal with multiprogramming and Multitasking?
    Any suggestions for reading material are most welcome.
    How does one split a Programme to cope with "N" RPis?
  • Skynet Network
    Hi... i would say install RPI Buster 32bit, It is the best to use if you are a novice/noob. you can do so much more with it. I use it in my mega cluster, well a version of it. I created my own version called SkynetOS, which you could do too. 32bit buster is far the best for the daily tasks you would need to do. Oh and Yes it can deal with Python ok. Multi tasking does work, but i find, when python multitasks while under heavy network load....it can cause the odd freeze. I got around that by limiting my Rpi connections to 300Mbps.
  • Skynet Network
    Admin said:
    Skynet Network shows off his huge Raspberry Pi Mega Cluster made with over $,5000 worth of parts and more than 80 Raspberry Pis.

    Raspberry Pi Mega Cluster Costs More Than $5,000 to Build : Read more
    Im happy to report that the Mega Cluster is still working great! I cant wait for the next build :) SHOUTOUT to ADMIN.....Thanks to Tom's Hardware for a great news review!