HTC Now Selling Vive Replacement Electronics

HTC launched the Vive Accessories store at the end of June. At the time, all you could purchase were the face cushion, nose gasket, and the USB accessory cable. The important parts of the Vive, such as the controllers and base stations, weren’t available. Now they are.

HTC added base stations, motion controllers, link boxes and the proprietary 3-in-1 cables to the store. If you happen to be one of the unfortunate souls who’ve damaged their Vive, you now have a way to replace the damaged parts. Also, if you’ve been waiting to pick up a third controller for mixed reality videos, now you can – but it’s going to cost you a pretty penny.

The HTC Vive replacement parts are definitely not cheap. The link box, which doesn’t include a power adaptor, sells for $29.99. The 3-in-1 cable, which is arguably the most vulnerable component of the setup, will set you back $39.99. Those components are a downright bargain if you compare them to the controllers and base stations, though. Each individual controller sells for $129.99 and the base stations go for $134.99. At least the controllers and base stations come with the power adaptors.

Though there’s no definitive correlation, the price of the controllers could be an indication of what to expect from Oculus later this year. The Touch controllers will be an optional upgrade that will bring motion control to the Rift, but Oculus has been tight-lipped about the price. Touch will include two advanced controllers and an additional sensor. If HTC is setting the price of one controller at $129.99, it’s hard to imagine Oculus will be able to launch Touch for less than $200. At that price, the Rift and the Vive’s price points will be at parity, and it would be a big surprise if Touch comes in cheaper than that.

If you need replacement parts or an additional Vive controller, you can order them now from the Vive accessory store.


 Kevin Carbotte is a contributing writer for Tom's Hardware who primarily covers VR and AR hardware. He has been writing for us for more than four years. 

  • Jeff Fx
    Any world on retail availability, or what shipping restrictions are placed on the parts if ordered from their store.

    I tried to buy a second Vive for replacement parts because their awful support department is a tremendous waste of time, and they failed to deliver it because they restricted it to deliveries to my home during work hours and did not allow someone else to sign, or package redirection.

    The Vive is great, but HTC is a dysfunctional company.
  • Jeff Fx
    If HTC is setting the price of one controller at $129.99, it’s hard to imagine Oculus will be able to launch Touch for less than $200.

    Touch controllers are just simple controllers with some dots on them to allow camera-tracking, so I wouldn't try to estimate their price based on a completely different product.

    The cost of Touch is going to be driven by the cost of their cameras, and you really need four of them for room-scale, not just the 2nd camera that they ship with Touch. Oculus does now support 4 cameras, so I think they can catch up with the Vive, but users are going to have a bad time if they go with the recommended 2-camera configuration.

  • Zapin
    While the touch controllers are more basic as mentioned in an earlier post they come with another camera which is more complicated than a Vive base station so the cost of the controllers plus camera could very well be comparable to that of the Vive controllers. That being said, the price point is completely up to Oculus. It is unlikely that the Rift will not have a version that is bundled with the controllers for a price a bit less than the current HTC offering and after all the bungling they did already this year I doubt they would dare rip off their customers too much to get the Touch controllers when they are available.

    The Rift is currently an incomplete VR system due to the lack of proper controllers. It is in Oculus' best interest to get the controllers to as many people as they can once they are available so that developers have an incentive to put support in any title that would benefit.