New RTX Broadcast Update Reduces VRAM Usage and Supports More Cameras

Nvidia's RTX Broadcast has received a new update, version 1.3, featuring support for new cameras and quality of life improvements. These improvements include higher quality audio background removal with enhanced support for emotive speech, new VRAM optimizations that reduce VRAM consumption by 40%, UI polishing, and bug fixes.

The newly enhanced audio algorithm significantly improves high-pitched and emotional voice behavior, resolving any strange audio artifacts when talking with a very loud pitch. Nvidia showcased the new audio improvements in a recent video, demonstrating how previous versions of RTX Broadcast would muffle high-pitched voices by a large margin. In Version 1.3, the audio glitching is resolved completely.

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Version 1.3 also adds support for five new camera utilities and virtual cameras. This is thanks to improved device support with Microsoft's DirectShow API, allowing you to connect Nikon, Canon, and Sony DLSR cameras to RTX Broadcast for high-quality video output.

  • Canon EOS Webcam Utility
  • Nikon Webcam Utility
  • Sony Webcam Utility
  • OBS Virtual Camera
  • Wuta-Cam App (Mainland China only)

RTX Broadcast is a utility designed to bring higher quality video and audio to your video chat groups and video streams. The app features a machine learning algorithm, to filter out unwanted background noise from your microphone and replace your video background with anything you want. This is done with the tensor cores on an RTX graphics card.

The app can be downloaded here.

Aaron Klotz
Contributing Writer

Aaron Klotz is a contributing writer for Tom’s Hardware, covering news related to computer hardware such as CPUs, and graphics cards.