Splave Sets Ryzen 9 3900XT World Record With Liquid Nitrogen

Last weekend overclocker Takukou set a HwBot x265 benchmark record for the AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT using liquid helium, but the fame didn't last long. A couple hours ago our contributor Splave bumped him from first place, beating the overclock by a hair. Most impressively, though, Splave wasn't using liquid helium, but stuck to liquid nitrogen instead.

The competition is simple: overclock the Ryzen 9 3900XT as high as it'll run stable, and then run the HWBot x265 benchmark and see what frame rate it pushes. The one with the highest frame rate wins. 

(Image credit: Splave)

All in all, the two competitors had very little between them. Takukuo achieved a score of 34.26 FPS with the chip running all twelve cores at 5,624 MHz at 1.728V, and Splave pulled off a score of 34.78 FPS with his chip at 5,650 MHz at 1.50 V.

Why the scores differ, as well as the frequencies and voltages to run these is due to various reasons. The overclockers are both using different motherboards, different memory, different PSUs, and different environmental conditions. Most notably, no two CPUs are the same, and Splave was likely blessed with an ever-so-slightly higher-quality piece of silicon.

Meanwhile, the world-record for frequency alone on the 3900XT belongs to overclocker Tsaik, who has held first place for over a month now.

Niels Broekhuijsen

Niels Broekhuijsen is a Contributing Writer for Tom's Hardware US. He reviews cases, water cooling and pc builds.

  • MasterMadBones
    Liquid nitrogen or helium doesn't seem to matter very much for Ryzen because of the fabric cold bug.
  • Friesiansam
    Unfortunately, the screenshot showing Splave's results, is completely useless as it is far too small to see.
  • neojack
    Friesiansam said:
    Unfortunately, the screenshot showing Splave's results, is completely useless as it is far too small to see.

    Top right of the picture, there is an icon to see it fullscreen
    I see it on firefox.