Save Tom's, Stop SOPA
Here at Tom’s Hardware, you know we don’t typically get political because with the heated debates between AMD vs. Intel who needs Donkeys vs. Elephants?
We’ve got no agenda beyond providing the best hardware news and reviews we can dig up. But here at Year’s end, there’s a subject we want to share with you that may come to affect how you experience us and the rest of the internet. It’s called SOPA, or the “Stop Online Piracy Act”, and it is headed through U.S. Congress with its sister bill PROTECT-IP in the Senate. SOPA threatens to fundamentally change the way information is presented online by placing massive restrictions on user-generated content like posts to forums, video uploads, podcasts or images. In a nutshell, here’s what the law would do:
- Assign liability to site owners for everything users post, without consideration for whether or not the user posted without permission. Site owners could face jail time or heavy fines, and DNS blacklisting.
- It would require web services like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to monitor and aggressively filter everything all users upload.
- It would deny site owners due process of law, by initiating a DNS blacklisting based solely on a good faith assertion by an individual copyright or intellectual property owner.
- It would give the U.S. government the power to selectively censor the web using techniques similar to those used in China, Malaysia and Iran. The Great Firewall of China is an example of this type of embedded, infrastructural internet censorship.
As an example, imagine a user posts a video clip to the Tom’s Community of a step-by-step guide on how to set up water cooling on an overclocked i7 CPU. Playing in the background behind the voiceover is “Derezzed” by Daft Punk. The studio representing Daft Punk could issue a complaint, without being required to notify us or request a take-down. Tom’s Hardware would be liable and prosecuted solely on a good faith assertion of the copyright owner, without notification, with the site operators subject to possible jail time for not preventing the video from being posted. In short order, the domain in the United States would no longer resolve to our servers and visitors attempting to come to Tom’s Hardware would be redirected to a “This site under review for piracy/copyright violations” page.
To conform to these new restrictions would mean that Tom’s Hardware would have to switch to a review/approval process for any and all new posts to our forums and articles. Our community team would have to approve every single news comment, every new thread, and every new response before it went live and filter them for potentially infringing material. Even so, we would still possibly be under threat from violations not caught – a user posting a paragraph from “Unix for Dummies” as an example or a snippet of software news from another website in excess of a certain summary threshold. That’s just here on Tom’s. The effect on sites like YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and the rest of the internet would be devastating, and progress and innovation would grind to a halt under the cumbersome new restrictions.
The intent of the legislation is to stop piracy, which isn’t affected in the least by this approach. The DNS censoring method is circumvented by navigating to the IP directly, and many have already installed Anti-SOPA browser extensions that do this automatically. Unfortunately the legislation in the House and Senate has a wide margin of bi-partisan support and looks likely to pass after the holidays. We strongly oppose the censorship of the internet and strongly encourage you to contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators to voice your opposition. Believe it or not, your Congress-critters do count the number of calls and emails they get on a particular issue, and most of the time only the people in their jurisdiction (read- you) can sway their opinion on something – so your action on this is important.
Please take a moment to contact your representative and tell them you oppose the PROTECT IP Act in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House. Here’s a link that can give you more information and provide you with contact info for your elected official. Your action on this matters.
The Tom’s Hardware Team
p.s. – Be sure to hit the Share buttons below to tell your friends about this on Facebook and Twitter… while you still can.
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rebel1280 Man, China was the first thing that came to mind before you put it in there. I have many strong words and statements that could be said here but I will hold my tongue and contact my local rep. As all of us should! This is utter nonsense and idiocy. Although this is expected, great empires crumble from within.... When you try to control the people like this, they only fight back. We are not China, we aren't descendants of a people crushed by their own government. The US was founded by rebels, what do they expect the descendants of these same rebels to do once they start being controlled against their will again? Look to history congress, you may learn a few things.Reply -
830hobbes Occupy the Internet! Post copyright material to the sites of anyone who has sway in DC. Find a forum on an Exxon website. Post to Youtube. Post to Amazon! We will fight on the beaches, we will fight on the landing grounds, we will never surrender!Reply -
jlats26 This SOPA really has nothing to do with the control of piracy at all. It's simply a way for the government to gain more CONTROL of the internet. WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPENReply -
jojesa cngledadIs the US progressing backwards?Some morons with their heads up their ass do.Reply
My vote is in. -
srgess damn U.S is coming like hitler dictaturship and korea ! Doesnt seem U.S is a free country anymore. All this because music label want to make more money and artist will get less, we should all rebel like else where against stupid people like that, that always need to get more money even if they are already rich.Reply -
cryogenic Come on USA!Reply
What are you doing?
The world hasn't event completely ditched "communism" with it's censorship, control, manipulation and the we know best what's good for you mentality and you're trying to recreate something similar ?
If this passes, I'll be deeply disappointed for the failure of the human race !