Ubuntu 13.04 To Allow Purchases From the Dash

The developer will be advancing the commercial content search feature in the Dash and enable users to purchase music and software right from the dash, without the need to open an application.

"We expect to enable instant payments, powered by Ubuntu One, for both applications from the Software Center and music from the Music Store – to deliver the fastest possible purchasing experience directly from the Dash," wrote Cristian Parrino on the Canonical blog.

According to the post, 13.04 will also bring more scopes by default, and extend the Suggestions scope to include more retailers beyond the Ubuntu One Music Store and Amazon.com. "We are also testing a few additional user controls like filters for local and global searching - more to come on this front as we learn from those sessions," Parrino wrote. "In the meantime, users can already focus a search to local files only with a simple super-f keystroke."

Ubuntu 13.04 is scheduled for an April 25, 2013 release.

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  • Ubuntu is going down
  • house70
    carlo vincenteUbuntu is going down...that's because Ubuntu is the only linux distro familiar enough to be used by some retailers as an alternative to Windows?
    Or maybe because it's the most popular distro? Oh, wait, can it be because it wants to open up to money-making markets with this move, henceforth increasing it's appeal to various builders/developers alike?
    No, really, please do tell how you came up with your conclusion.
  • hunshiki
    Downhill, baby!
  • Blessedman
    Well house I assume that his statement is based on appeal vs need. It would be like Toyota announcing they will be adding a 720 hp racing engine to their Camry line of cars. It does not fit it's need or it's place. How many Ubuntu boxes revolve around it's use for entertainment? It's an odd feature that probably won't have many inroads to mainstream.

    I think that he is completely wrong in his assessment though. This isn't going to be the feature that makes it a worldwide success (more so than it already is) but it's also not the feature that ruins Ubuntu. It's just an odd thing to focus on is all... Instead canonical should focus on a way of reinvent gaming on the PC.
  • I've been a tireless Ubuntu advocate since 8.04. Now it's becoming more commercial than Window or OSX, what other OS has advertisements and tracking baked right into the desktop?

    I've defended them a lot over the years, because Ubuntu "just works" a lot better than Fedora, OpenSuse, Debian, etc... but now I'm going to really spend some time evaluating alternatives.
  • misterawsome
    BlessedmanWell house I assume that his statement is based on appeal vs need. It would be like Toyota announcing they will be adding a 720 hp racing engine to their Camry line of cars. It does not fit it's need or it's place. How many Ubuntu boxes revolve around it's use for entertainment? It's an odd feature that probably won't have many inroads to mainstream. I think that he is completely wrong in his assessment though. This isn't going to be the feature that makes it a worldwide success (more so than it already is) but it's also not the feature that ruins Ubuntu. It's just an odd thing to focus on is all... Instead canonical should focus on a way of reinvent gaming on the PC.i would buy a camry with a 720hp engine especially if it costs the same :P
  • chewy1963
    I don't think it's that odd of a feature to add to Ubuntu. I used Ubuntu for entertainment frequently. I watch movies, listen to music, play board games, stream videos, etc etc on it alot. I watch movies on Ubuntu much more than Windows. The movie player is smoother and generally better than Windows Media Player.
  • jhansonxi
    The lack of a standard payment system for proprietary apps used to be the problem. Now there is too many: Dash, Software Center, Desura/Desurium, and Steam. Oh well. :D
  • Mint all the way :)
  • razor512
    Please can someone write an automated script that uninstals all of the ad/ web result crap, currently it takes a few commands and I want something where I can just double click and have that crap removed.

    Or if possible, have someone else release ubuntu builds with the ad crap removed.

    the results are crap, the unity UI sucks as it makes it hard to deal with multiple windows of the same application, eg multiple office documents or multiple browser windows.

    It is annoying getting a new version of ubuntu and having to run more and more commands to make the OS work properly. (eg installing gnome, getting rid of the unity crap, fixing the search and a few other minor fixes

    I don't want crap where a mistaken click can cost you money (almost as bad as tmobile and verizon where with the old bar and flip phones, there was a button that automatically launched browser, making it so that once you hit the button, it would automatically cost you like $1+ since they build per MB and a single byte is all it takes.