Verizon To Boost FIOS Speeds


New York (NY) - Verizon will be significantly boosting its FIOS fiber optic speeds in the coming months. Ten states will have their speeds increased to 50 megabits/sec. download and 20 megabits/sec. for uploads at a subscription rate of $139.95 per month (ouch). The previous top speeds in those states were 30 Mbps/15 Mbps.

Existing customers will need to ask Verizon for the upgraded lines. The ten states are California, Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia and Washington. The company also mentioned that it will introduce a 20mbps/20mbps FiOS package as well.

Read more ... Associated Press via Google

  • blppt
    Amusing in the tri-state area---Verizon has been (correctly) advertising its FIOS service as offering superior upload speeds to Cablevision's Optimum Online service. So, Cablevision strikes back with their stupid new spokesperson/commercial guy who directly responds to those Verizon claims, and acts like he doesnt know where FIOS gets these figures from, and claims Optimum's upload speeds to be many times faster than "phone company high-speed".

    The ONLY ad where Verizon makes those claims are for FIOS, whereas Optimum is either delusional or comparing their upload speeds to DSL, because FIOS is far superior to any of their offerings in upload speed. Nice work, Dolans. You ruined the Knicks and are now blatantly trying to sneak one by casual internet users. What a company.
  • photoguru
    We've had 50Mbps wideband for a few months now. Thank you Comcast for picking Minneapolis for the test area. The beauty of wideband is that they don't have to pull fibre all the way to each house. Supposedly they could run it up to 160Mbps if need be. Right now they're holding back uploads to 5Mbps, but they said that they will be increasing it after a few months. Comcast customers with basic saw their upload jump from 386k to 1Mbps. Basic plus went from 786k to 2Mbps.
  • evilshuriken
    blppt... I am wondering how your comment is relevant to this article.
    So yeah... moving on.

    FIOS is still not widely available in this area and this is one of the areas they chose to start the initial development. Really lame. I can't say I really need a faster down speed than what my cable connection offers(10Mbps), but their upload is pitiful at only 800Kbps. 15Mb/2Mb sure sounds nice(That is their old advertised speed for the mainstream package but that would be nice to have even now)...
  • sacre
    6.25 megabytes per second download rate? What the hell man that is incredibly fast!
  • Cablevision advertises Broadband which really isn't as great as it should be. you get 15/2 megabits per second which works out to 1MB down & 200kb sec up. It's horrible when playing video games. You really need even up & download speeds like 15/15. Cablevision will hit you another $10.00 a month on top of the $45.00 already!
  • H8ff0000
    JD13XCablevision advertises Broadband which really isn't as great as it should be. you get 15/2 megabits per second which works out to 1MB down & 200kb sec up. It's horrible when playing video games. You really need even up & download speeds like 15/15. Cablevision will hit you another $10.00 a month on top of the $45.00 already!
    The $10 to double your down and x2.5 you up is worth it in comparison to FiOS. Match up all the packages Verison offers to Optimum. Boost takes a dump on them when you measure speed per $.

    And are you SERIOUSLY saying that video games need more than that? Go do some research adolescent. Unless you are torrenting too much pr0n while you're playing halo, you'll be fine.
  • H8ff0000
    BTW I wasn't trying to defend Optimum. Them, Verizon, Comcast, etc... they are all crooks. The American Internet shakedown makes me think of moving to Japan.
  • blppt
    Evilshurikenblppt... I am wondering how your comment is relevant to this article.
    Simple, I'm just wondering how Cablevision will attempt to spin this one when this expanded FIOS service comes to NY/NJ/CT.

    H8ff0000The $10 to double your down and x2.5 you up is worth it in comparison to FiOS. Match up all the packages Verison offers to Optimum. Boost takes a dump on them when you measure speed per $.
    Except "Boost" being cable internet technology isnt quite the 2x down/2.5x up you make it out to be. There are benefits to having your own fiber line to your house.

    BTW, I have Optimum for my apartment and am pretty happy with the basic 15/2 service for $49/mo, but it just bothers me when commercials blatantly lie like that.
  • sucks to be on time warner lately. *sigh*

    Why does verizon keep making fios faster for the 2% of people who have it instead of expanding the network to include more then just 4 houses?
  • jkflipflop98
    Fiber ain't cheap. That's why.