Verizon Will Publish Transparency Report Next Quarter

Verizon Communications said on Thursday that it will publish an online report that will provide data on the number of law enforcement requests for customer information that the company received in 2013 in the United States and other countries. This transparency report will arrive in early 2014, and updated on a semi-annual basis.

The company follows other tech giants like Apple, Google and Facebook who began providing transparency reports spanning the first six months of this year in light of the controversy surrounding user data and the NSA. For the United States, the government doesn't allow an exact number, but rather a window amount like 11k to 12k or 20k to 21k.

Verizon announced that its transparency report will "identify the total number of law enforcement agency requests received from government authorities in criminal cases." The report will also break down the data into subcategories including subpoenas, court orders and warrants.

"Verizon will also provide other details about the legal demands it receives, as well as information about requests for information in emergencies," states Verizon's announcement. "Verizon is working with the U.S. government regarding the detail the company can report on the number of National Security Letters it received last year."

"Similar to transparency reports published by other major Internet companies, Verizon's report will not disclose information about other national security requests received by the company," Verizon adds.

In the meantime, Verizon provides a Privacy Policy designed to "inform customers about information the company collects, how it uses that information and under what circumstances it shares that information." To view this Privacy Policy, head here.

  • wysir
    The moments in life when you want to take back what you said, but can't find the delete button...
  • Grandmastersexsay
    Under what law can the U.S. government restrict a company from reporting the exact number of these requests? There has to be a way around that. Could the CEO state exactly how many requests have been made since he as an idividual has his freedom of speach is protected?
  • dalethepcman
    What I would like to see, is how many of these requests are against US citizens.

    Saying we had requests for information from the NSA 21k times, constitutionally doesn't mean anything.

    If every request was against a foreign person then I don't care. Our constitution doesn't protect the rights of alien's legal or otherwise.

    If every requests was against a US citizen on the other hand, then the government needs to take a hard look in the mirror and understand that just as they seek to use the information from these corporations to gain power, the eye's of these corporations can be turned onto them at a whim.

    The government doesn't seem to care about the double edged sword they are seeing before them, and never seems to consider that it can swing the other direction just as easily until it's too late.

    They have already granted immunity from prosecution for wiretapping to these corporations. They have set the stage to allow the corporations to legally blackmail themselves.

    Do none of them study history of telecom, do none remember why wiretapping was made illegal, are none of them familiar with bell systems?

    Insert Hubert Farnsworth image... "I don't want to live on this planet anymore"