New Immersive Virtual Reality ‘Cocoon’ in 2009

Virtual reality (VR) has been an interest spreading from average consumers right up to government and military application.

Virtual Reality technology has been somewhat improving over the years, but by no means at a leaps-and-bounds pace. Nonetheless, the technology is improving and some day we can all enjoy the Holodeck on the Starship Enterprise, maybe.

Enter the Immersive VR ‘Cocoon’ , which hopefully will be delivered (at a rather high cost no doubt) by NAU, an international design group by 2014. NAU aims to change how we currently interact with computers for day-to-day functions and entertainment such as playing games. A prototype of the ‘cocoon’ should be publicized sometime in October of this year.

“After the hatch silently slides open, a small extendible staircase will glide down to invite you inside the dome. Once inside, you will find a 360 degree seamless display and hear full three dimensional surround sound. The best part of all this is the inclusion of multiple motion-tracking cameras and a motion-sensing floor platform. All this to serve as the means for interaction."

If and when this does become a commercially available product, you most likely will not find it in your friends basement. Something like this will probably show up at electronics expos, gaming lounges, arcades and carnival shows. The price tag will more than likely be quite large.

There are a few games I wouldn’t mind experiencing in this thing, that’s for sure.

  • martin0642
    Direct neural manipulation will always be more realistic and cheaper, once all the kinks are worked out. Sending electronic signals to emulate the touch, taste, feel, and sounds is a much more elegant and controlled once the details are worked out. Things like Dean Kamen's "Luke Arm" and advances in "Locked In" syndrome solutions are really propelling this field faster than most people realize. Then, once it's even halfway commercialized and cheaper, the porn industry is going to propel this into everyones homes faster than VCRs and DVD.

    I can't wait, because I think it's just what we need to calm the middle east down. I think there is some pent up tension that's caused by the sort of polygamy that ensures wealthy men get multiple wives, when you consider the male/female ratio is roughly 50%, that means that a lot of poor men have no wives.

    A quick look at Google Trends can quickly inform us of exactly who is looking for what, I find the results interesting to say the least.
  • I agree... BUT problem with games like that, is at some point they are going to have to come out with new ratings and stuff... there are many games that would probably get AO ratings in something like that... it would also be pr0n peoples favorite toy
  • noobe1981
    I sure hope martin is right. Theres nothing wrong with porn, and hey if its fully interactive we might just be able to keep this world from being even more overpopulated lol.

    But on the article that does look pretty cool, but its just another rich man's toy.