A History of Star War Games, Part 2

LEGO Star Wars II featured more vehicle sequences.

Luke takes on Darth Vader in the "Return of the Jedi" section of LEGO Star wars II.

Luke takes on Darth Vader in the "Return of the Jedi" section of LEGO Star wars II.

The Death Star trench never gets old now matter how many games we see it in.

The Death Star trench never gets old now matter how many games we see it in.

Speaking of never getting old, LEGO Star Wars II also includes the requisite Hoth battle level.

Speaking of never getting old, LEGO Star Wars II also includes the requisite Hoth battle level.

Although not seen in the films, the Rebels apparently did have tanks, according to the RTS Empire at War.

Although not seen in the films, the Rebels apparently did have tanks, according to the RTS Empire at War.

Empire at War's space battles can be pretty impressive to watch.

Empire at War’s space battles can be pretty impressive to watch.

In addition to AT-ATs, the Imperials made a kind of TIE Fighter tank in Empire at War.

In addition to AT-ATs, the Imperials made a kind of TIE Fighter tank in Empire at War.

Many of the favorite capital ships from the films make an appearance in Empire at War.

Many of the favorite capital ships from the films make an appearance in Empire at War.