Firefox 2.0

Firefox 2.0 automatically checks spelling within online forms

Firefox 2.0 automatically checks spelling within online forms

In version 2.0, toolbar buttons have been given a new, sleek design. Little else has been changed visually.

In version 2.0, toolbar buttons have been given a new, sleek design. Little else has been changed visually.

Useful for power outages or computer freezes, Firefox 2.0 allows users to bring back all open windows, tabs, and entered text when the application is closed unexpectedly.

Useful for power outages or computer freezes, Firefox 2.0 allows users to bring back all open windows, tabs, and entered text when the application is closed unexpectedly.

Firefox 2.0 comes pre-installed with bookmarks of several sites with RSS feeds. Users can also add their own to the RSS list, which is controlled by a button directly below the navigation toolbar.

Firefox 2.0 comes pre-installed with bookmarks of several sites with RSS feeds. Users can also add their own to the RSS list, which is controlled by a button directly below the navigation toolbar.

Direct searching from the toolbar, which was popular in older versions of Firefox, has been enhanced for 2.0, with dynamic search suggestions listed as users enter key words in the search box.