The Best Booths And Sights At E3 2016

Free Throws For Free Stuff

NBA fans had the chance to make a free throw to win a gold coin with a Kobe imprint on it, and an emerald Kobe MyTeam card for NBA 2K17. He may have retired, but L.A. clearly still loves him. #MambaOut

Watch Your Step!

The Lego Dimensions Lego landscape display was Legotastic, and built with thousands of small pieces that have destroyed bare feet since the dawn of time.

Respect Ubisoft's Authoritah

South Park fans were out in force as the line for this demo wrapped around the booth a few times.

Dance It Out

Clad in neon tights and a robot head, this dancer showed off Just Dance 2017 for the crowd, who later joined her on stage for a live demo.

Put A Little Soul In It

Super Soul Bros. rocked out and entertained conventioneers with live, soulful renditions of all our favorite gaming soundtracks. Comfy couches were also provided for folks to rest their weary feet.

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  • CaedenV
    how quaint, you have a large thumbnail of your smaller thumbnails!
    Seriously though, after 20 years of nearly constant complaining, can we someday have a site with decently sized pictures? It was fine in 1996 because of screen and bandwidth constraints. But in this day and age it is just getting sad.
  • ElectrO_90
    I agree with Caedenv. I mean come on guy - If 1080 is now the standard for desktops 50% of the screen isn't used.
    Then you use less than half of that for a picture and put 2 sentences on the right side.
    We all know its easy to criticise, but this is 2016 and not 1996 like he says.

    Maybe you just need to employ someone who can design web-pages better.
  • willie nugs
    yea. moar pixels
  • clonazepam
    I remember when there were chants for booth girls. Nowadays, you probably can't tell (if you know what I mean).
  • Jack_1055
    I think the biggest thing we need to look at people is the E3 logo. Yes, that thing that looks like it has been made by a 3rd grader 2 decades ago. I mean really, just look at the logos from Unity, Unreal Engine, and even Ubisoft. A logo is what people associate with your company, right? Even Tom's Hardware has a logo that is far more modern and, well appeasing. Anyways, just my thought and with that maybe someone from TH can inform the E3 staff that people think their logo SUCKS. Thank You and have a wonderful day.
  • sleepybp
    no booth girls.... seriously?
  • Titillating
    18163821 said:
    no booth girls.... seriously?

    The practice of employing scantily-clad women to hawk your wares has largely been phased out of these conventions in recent years :p
  • No booth girls but hey, we get to see Joe pointing at something and Kevin riding a giant bird/marshmellow thingy. Close enough! :P

  • Titillating
    18165751 said:
    No booth girls but hey, we get to see Joe pointing at something and Kevin riding a giant bird/marshmellow thingy. Close enough! :P

    It's a fat Chocobo from Final Fantasy XIV! It was adorable :love: