High-End Scanning: Epson Perfection 3200 Photo

A Truly Top-of-the-range Scanner

A simple question: Why buy a separate scanner when you could make do with one that is part of a multifunctional system? The reply is just as simple: Because the quality is not as good.

Tests performed on the Photo Perfection 3200 proved this beyond a doubt. Even if the value of the more expensive models at below 600 dpi is not necessarily evident, it becomes painfully obvious at resolutions of 1200 dpi and above. Whether enlarging a photo or creating a negative, this is the caliber of product you need when quality counts.

The following pages are extracted from digitization. For the best color rendering, if your screen is not calibrated, you can slightly reduce the deviation by adjusting the brightness and contrast levels on the monitor so as to be able to clearly see the following 20 shades of gray. This will greatly improve the display of the digital images on the following pages.