Nvidia Next-Gen Maximus Demoed in Videos From SIGGRAPH

At SIGGRAPH 2012 in Los Angeles, Nvidia demonstrated next-gen Maximus, the new update to their Maximus architecture. The next-gen Maximus-configured systems featured at the show used a Nvidia Quadro K5000 together with a Nvidia Tesla K20 GPU computing accelerator, both based on the Kepler GPU architecture.

Note: all videos available in up to 1080p, so please select your desired resolution in the YouTube player options.

This is a demo of the interactions between the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies, which will happen about 5 billion years from the present. The simulation not only calculates the gravitational reaction between the two galaxies but also calculates the interaction between the gravity of the individual stars in the two galaxies. The updated Maximus platform allows them to use ten times more particles (stars) in the simulation than the previous version. The system running this is a Lenovo D30 Thinkstation equipped with dual Xeon processors and the aforementioned combination of a Quadro K5000 and a Tesla K20.

This demo is or RTT DeltaGen, which is a styling and engineering application, here used to work on a car model. In addition to being able to generate a real-time ray-traced render of the car, it is also calculating the airflow over the car. The system used for this demonstration is identical to the one above.

Chaos Group does a demonstration of the real-time rendering features of their VrayRT renderer, performed on a Dell T7600 Precision workstation in similar configuration to the workstations mentioned above.

These demos - recorded live on the show floor at SIGGRAPH 2012 - should give you some idea of the possible impact of GPU acceleration using the next-gen Maximus architecture.

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  • master_chen
    I'm really confused how they still manage to not get sued by ASUS. I wonder if they already come to some kind of an anonymous agreement? Because, seriously, naming your product like that is just like getting bare naked, painting yourself red, and then running before ASUS's main office's entrance while laughing hysterically and screaming "neh-neh-ne-ne-neh! Come on, sue me!".
  • spartanmk2
    But can it make me a sandwich?
  • blingooron
  • vrumor
    And here fans of the green is your fabled GK110 GPU.
  • Its not a matter of can it run crysis. Its a matter of how many fps we could get if we ray-trace the entire damn game.
  • Draven35
    The answer is: a few minutes per frame. GPU-accelerated ray-tracing =/= real-time. But it would look better than you've ever seen it!
  • eddieroolz
    I'd really love to see Nvidia release a GK110-based card to silence its critics. What better than a card to show them that Nvidia isn't turning its back on GPGPU?
  • Draven35
    Well, the thing is, most GPU computing tasks including GPU-accelerated rendering, are single-precision floating point- which the Kepler architecture is faster at.
  • Draven35
    And yes, all these videos were shot in 1080p HD so please crank the res and enjoy them full screen!
  • tubers
    So.. where's my GTX 760 Ti?