Genesys Logic Offers USB 3.0 Webcam Controller GL3620

The GL3620 is the first USB 3.0 device in the industry, which will deploy the USB 3.0 Isochronous transfer mode. With its guaranteed bandwidth transmission nature, GL3620 can deliver uncompressed 1080p (1920X1080) video streaming at 30 frames per second. The defined theoretical limit is about 380 MB/s between host and device. 

The GL3620 is designed for users wanting to stream high-definition 1080p webcam videos and utillze high quality software video encoders. The GL3620 comes complete with a built in Hardware Image Signal Processing (HISP), which encodes RGB RAW data from CMOS sensors to interpolated YUV format. Also, HISP features bad pixel correction, image scaling, gamma correction, image quality enhancement, etc. To maintain backwards compatibility with USB 2.0, it includes a motion JPEG (MJPEG) encoder. The mass production version GL3620 will be available in Q2/2012, which will add support for MIPI D-PHY sensor interface to enable a broader range of sensor integration.

  • alidan
    i want to see a few videos,

    1 910 logitech, i believe thats their 1080p one
    1 from what every uses this, same price range as the logitech
    1 from the cheapest flip video that hits 1080p,
    1 from a camcorder made for a decent consumer/prosumer market,

    would love to see what this offers in comparison.
  • AznCracker
    So the USB 3.0 on my motherboard was useless up until now?
  • beoza
    azncrackerSo the USB 3.0 on my motherboard was useless up until now?I wouldn't say useless it is backwards compatible with USB 2.0 devices. Just weren't a whole lot of products out there that actually used the newer USB 3.0 standard. Kinda like software companies who refuse to make 64-bit versions of their programs, hardware companies can be skittish of new technology advances if there's not enough saturation in the marketplace. Although the software companies are just plain stupid since x64 based chips have been around for nearly a decade, with the OS being 64-bit for nearly as long.
  • nebun
    such a waste when you pair it up with a slow internet connection....most braodband does not go over 60mbs
  • drumsrule786
    azncrackerSo the USB 3.0 on my motherboard was useless up until now?
    Not at all! I have a USB 3.0 external backup drive and it seems as it were connected straight to my motherboard with SATA, its great. You can also buy super fast USB 3 flash drives, they're kinda pricey, but if you use them a lot it would be good.
  • amuffin
    So no more laggy webcam footage? :D
    I'm kind of curious as to what kind of upload/download speed will be required for Skype 1080p calls, that is, if Skype even does 1080p, yet.
  • house70
    amuffinSo no more laggy webcam footage?Oh, yes, even more so, now that there is more data to be sent through the same crappy internet connection.
  • spasmolytic46
    Finally, high quality video amateur smut.
  • KelvinTy
    I would take compressed (hardware processed) 1080p at 60FPS over RAW 1080p anytime all time, everyday...
    I really dislike the 30FPS with annoying motion blur, especially when the cam is sitting on a wobbly table.